20. Bunch of Brunos 2

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Bruno's POV

As time passed, me and Y/n sat down and did absolutely nothing but relax all day. I have to say, having several of me around isn't that bad so far. They can do favors and errands for me while I spend more time with Y/n.

We continued to watch our movie on the couch while Laziness was asleep until we heard the front door open. Y/n stood up from the couch and walked towards them,"Oh you guys are back!" Y/n announced as she saw the others walk inside the house,"So how was it?"

"I was amazing!" Optimistic shouted spinning around,"I was singing and dancing and Cardi was singing too and it was so fun!" He said before jumping on the couch.

"Well I had fun singing to the women at the event" Lust told adding into the conversation. He then waltz up to Y/n and hugged her waist from behind,
"But they weren't as beautiful as you" Lust declared before kissing her neck passionately.

My cheeks started to heat up and turn red in embarrassment til I split then up,"Alright we heard enough from you" I grumbled and Lust sucked his teeth in annoyance. I then looked at Anger who stood there with his arms folded,"How about you Anger? How was your day?"

"It was fine, til I got in a argument with Eric and I broke his drumsticks" He told and I raised my eyebrows in shock,"Wha- Why would you do that?!"

Anger just shrugged his shoulders,
"Because he was talking shit all day about how I wasn't moving it right, So I broke his drumsticks and stormed out" Anger explained and I rubbed my temples,"Ugh he's gonna kill me when he sees me..."

Y/n looked at Timid who was hanging his head low while fiddling with his fingers,"Timid?" Y/n said he lifted up his head anxiously,"How was your day sweetie?" She asked walking up to him and he shrugged.

"I-It was okay, I-I don't think they liked my idea...or me..." Timid confessed rubbing his arm nervously. Y/n looked at Timid as she lifted his chin,"Aw it's ok baby, I'm sure they loved it"

"T-Thank you..." Timid said cracking a soft smile. Anger sucked his teeth at the sight of them together and walked away but I shook it off,"But anyways, thank you guys for helping me out today" I said great fully.

"Now it's time to go back from where you came" I commanded but the others exchanged looks at each other,"What?" I asked and Knowledge cleared his throat,"Uh not to freak you out or anything but...we don't know how"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW HOW?!" I screamed in a panic,"Well one minute we were in your head, and the next we were out here" Knowledge stated clearly.

"Oh no! You guys are not staying here! Especially you!" I declared pointing at Lust,"We're fixing this shit right now!" I declared grabbing all of them and placing them on the floor.

I went into the garage and grabbed some rope and told Y/n to tie it around us,"Ok! I saw this in a movie once, Y/n I need you to pull as hard as you can on this rope so we can combine together as one!" I explained.

Knowledge looked at me blankly and blinked in response,"Peter, I don't if it's because I left our head, but this is the most dumbest idea you had" He told but I shushed him,"Shut up it will work!"

"Ok on the count of three pull! One, two-" I order Y/n to do til I heard the front door bust open,"BRUNO!" Eric's voice boomed sending chills down my spine,"Oh shit! Eric's here!"

"Bruno! I need a word with you!" He yelled,"O-Oh my god! H-He's gonna kill us!" Timid sobbed loudly til Anger covered his mouth. We heard Eric stomp towards the living room and he froze when he saw the multiple clones of me on the floor.

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