14. Christmas Spirt 2

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Bruno's POV

Hours had passed and it was almost midnight. I was in the living room, laying down on the floor drunk as fuck, singing to myself as I stared up at the ceiling.

"Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, I made y/n upset, now I lost my bae!" I sung loudly to myself taking another sip of my alcohol as it burned traveling down my throat.

"That's not how the lyrics go" I heard a soft voice correct me. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I sat up from the floor,"Ugh! Don't you think I know- WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed as I saw a strange man in front of me.

The bright man held a metal cap in his hands and his resemblance was like a flame from a lit candle. His smile grew as he slowly flew towards me but I started to back away.

"Who the hell- How did you get inside my house! And why are you so damn bright!" I asked anxiously as I covered my eyes from his stinging rays.

"I am the ghost of Christmas past Peter! I'm here because you're being a bastard on Christmas" he responded with a gentle whisper.

I stared at the living flame then took a good look at my bottle of alcohol in my hand,"I really need to stop drinking" I groaned rubbing my temples.

"You'll be visiting three ghosts including myself to-" The spirit declared but I already knew this cliché story,"To show you what will happen when I get older, how rude I am, blah blah blah! I've seen the movie several times"

"Look, just because I don't like Christmas doesn't mean I'm a bad person" I explained rolling my eyes back,"True" the ghost of christmas past shrugged,"But your love for money is"

"Listen you cheap ass Yankee candle, what I'm doing is called business" I stated,"And that means I have to think more financial wise in order keep my job"

I stood up from the carpet floor and walked towards the kitchen while the man followed me,"So conversation over! If you need me, I'mma pass out in the couch eating leftover cookies from this jar" I told grabbing the container of cookies.

I headed towards the living room, leaving the spirit in kitchen til I froze and walked back, making the spirit smile. I walked towards the kitchen island and snatched a bottle of tequila and opened it.

"I'm taking this too" I grumbled before chugging the alcohol down. I heard the spirit suck its teeth and flew in front of me to prevent me from leaving the kitchen,"I guess I have no choice but to force you to come" he sighed.

"What you gonna do? Give me 2nd degree burns?" I joked crossing my arms. The spirit grabbed my hand and we started to fly up in the air and up to the ceiling.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed grabbing on to anything to keep me on the ground,"Hold on to my hand, this might be a bumpy ride!" The ghost warned before he launched us through the ceiling and we flew through the night sky.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I screamed in terror as I continued to hold on to the ghost for dear life, closing my eyes tightly. I opened my eyes and screamed to the top of my lungs as I saw the ground coming closer towards us.

Right before we could hit the ground, we suddenly stopped and the ghost of Christmas past gently placed me on the ground. I tried to stand up but my legs were still trembling to the point I couldn't even pick myself up.

"See Bruno? That wasn't so bad!" The spirit reassured nudging my shoulder,
"I think I'm gonna be sick" I groaned as I stood up from the sand and tried to gained my balance.

I rubbed my temples to soothe the pain of my head while looking through my surroundings,"Where the hell are we?" I asked before hissing in pain.

"What?!" The flame gasped dramatically,"You don't remember
this place at all Peter?" He asked in disbelief. I squinted my eyes and checked my surroundings one more time til something clicked in my head,
"Oh my god...A-Are we in Hawaii?!"

Bruno mars scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now