Chapter 19

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Jennie took a seat next to me.

"Can we talk now?" Jennie asked.

"What do you want to talk about?" I said frustrated.

"Yesterday-" I cut her off.

"Can we forget about that."

"What you said yesterday-" She started again before I cut her off one more time.

"Jennie. Nothing I said was true so please... just forget. Just forget about everything." Something made me hurt telling her the last sentence.

We stay in an awkward silence for a moment. I saw that Jennie was going to speak again but our teacher came in.

"You two are not supposed to work together so go back to your seat." He ordered Jennie.


I was on my way to the roof to eat Chaeyoung's lunchbox she made for me but someone grabs my wrist.

"I told y-" I thought it was Jennie but stopped when I saw Jaebum.


"Can we talk? Is about Jennie." I know I said that I was going to forget about her but I just couldn't so I followed him to an empty classroom.

On our way to the room, I heard a lot of gossiping about Jaebum, Jennie and... me? For real me?

"Isn't it Jennie's best friend?" A student said.

"Yeah, why is she together with him?" Another student asked.

"Did they break up because of her?" The first student asked.

"I heard rumours that Jaebum was cheating on Jennie with her best friend." Someone said that made me mad.

"Really?" Another student said.

"I mean look!" The first student said.

"WTF are they talking about? You broke up?" I yelled at Jaebum

"Let's talk here." We got into the empty classroom and he closed the door.

"Did Jennie not tell you that we broke up yesterday?"

"What do you think? Why would I ask you then?"

"Anyways that isn't the thing I wanted to talk about."

"What about Jennie did you want to talk about?"

"Even though we aren't together I still want the best for her... I don't know if you know about the business thing-"

"I know." I rolled my eyes.

"Ah okay. So I was going to visit her mom to tell her something but I heard them fighting."

"Jennie and her mom?" He nodded.

"I maybe shouldn't tell you about this but I'm worried. I think she really needs someone by her side."

"Can you tell me already?!" I said been impatient.

"I was on my way to her house after some time I finally arrived. I was about to knock on the door..."

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