When she reaches the house, she gives a soft knock and lets herself in. "Hello?"

"Come on in, sweetie!"

Cas follows the voice to the kitchen. "Hello, Mrs. Winchester. Trying out a new recipe?"

Mary Winchester looks up from the cookbook she's staring at like it's encrypted and smiles at Cas. "I was going to make an attempt but I think I'll play it safe and just order pizza." She closes the book and pushes it away with great pleasure. "How have you been?"

Cas shrugs out of her backpack and drops it in one of the empty chairs at the table next to Deanna and Sam's. "Not too bad. Keeping busy with prom and finals."

Mary makes a sympathetic sound. "I can only imagine. Dee's been out there all day working on a ramp or something."

"A ramp?"

Mary just shrugs. "Something about a terrace and a ball. I don't know. I'm gonna go ahead and order. You can go on out and tell Dee dinner will be here in about thirty minutes."

Glaring with suspicion, Cas opens the back door and makes her way across the Winchesters' back yard. There's a loud roar coming from the work shed, followed by some clanging, and Cas waits until it quiets to knock on the door. She's learned by now never to just walk in or she's likely to lose an eyebrow or a hand.

There's some more clanging and then shuffling and a moment later, the door swing opens. Deanna stands there, skin shining with a layer of sweat, tank top clinging to her body and her trusty flannel tied around her waist. She's got her hair pulled back and huge goggles sitting on top of her head. It's almost silly but also somehow the hottest thing Cas has ever seen and her mouth feels dry as a desert.

Deanna grins and motions Cas inside. "Hey, Cas! Step on in and see where the magic happens."

Cas follows slowly. "Were you... welding?"

The shed is hot and could use some better lighting but she can make out the array of tools lining the walls on pegs or tossed into the dozen-and-a-half tool boxes Deanna shares with her dad. This is where they work on cars together, usually some old classics John lucks into at junk yards.

But instead of a busted engine taking up all the space, today it's some sort of large rounded frame.

"What is this?"

"Right now, it's shit," Deanna says with a sigh. "But it's gonna be... this." She goes to the work bench and grabs a piece of paper and hands it to Cas.

It's a balcony like right out of a Disney movie with intricate balusters and a dark stone appearance.

Cas looks at her best friend as if she's lost her mind. "You're going to make this?"

Deanna shrugs. "Yeah. Once I get the frame done, Charlie and I are going to mold foam around it and paint it to look like stone, and I then I can just attach it to the stage. I already took the measurements."

"What? When?" She didn't remember seeing Deanna in the gym with a damn tape measure and there's no way Cas would have missed it because she's practically in that room more than she's in class.

"When you were busy yelling at Garth about fake candles or something."

"I didn't yell at him," Cas grumbles.

Deanna laughs and takes her blueprint back. "You literally told him to stick the ones with the orange-tipped flames up his ass."

A shameful blush burns across Cas's cheeks. "Well... they looked tacky."

"Yeah, okay, promzilla," she mumbles and reaches for her water bottle

Cas glares. "Were you ever going to tell me about this?"

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