part 6

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he held my hand firmly, as we walked towards the worker. the man greeted us with a smile, and kept his eyes on me. i noticed them. but i only thought of him as a friendly guy.

"hello, what can i get for you, young lady?" the waiter asked as he clearly saw jungkook seating me. "uhm i'll take the (y/fav/food), thank you." you smiled at him. jungkook in the other hand wasn't smiling at all. he was annoyed by how nice and oblivious you can be. "and for you, sir?" he asked with a straight voice. "i'll take the steak, extra rare. almost raw and bloody. just like my killings..." he mumbled the last part and looked at the waiter. he purposely said those words for you not to hear. he was obviously annoyed. "o-oh okay..." he said knowing exactly why jungkook was giving such an attitude towards him.

jungkook gave the menus back to the waiter, and waited for the man to leave. he fixed his collar and adjusted his seat and moved closer to the table. he cleared his throat.

i heard it all. with the waiter, about how he has killed people. i was still annoyed at what happened in the limo. i wanted nothing to do with him, at this moment. the atmosphere was odd, and the fact that he reserved this whole restaurant for us, was even odd. i was not used to being treated this way. so it made me very uncomfortable. i saw jungkook trying to fix his tie, his collar and he kept fidgeting.

"you know, if you wouldn't trace gotten so offended at what i said, then none of this would've happened." he pointed, signaling towards the argument we were in.

i couldn't believe it. "excuse me? you're thinking of me as a baby! i can speak up for myself." i said hurt that he would think i got offended so easily. i was annoyed that he thought i needed a man to defend me. "you- you think you're all mighty because of what you do." i mumbled looked down. "what did you say?"

"you-you think you're all mighty because of what you do." she quietly said. i clearly heard every word she said. this made my blood boil. "what did you say?" i said as i tilted my head as my eyes furrowed at her. she remained silent as i waited for what she said.

when he called me out, my heart started beating faster. i was nervous. i wasn't going to repeat that. because he was "mighty", he held most of the underground power. i heard him laugh under his breath. "i would watch what i say, love." he teasingly said. he sighed as he held my hand. "ignoring me won't help your situation..." he said as he leaned over the table and gave me a gently kiss on the forehead. once again, my heart started beating fast.

as we got out food, jungkook would ask me questions, and i would only answer them in short sentences. an apology from him would do.

finally, we finished eating. i was about to get up and pay for my plate, only because of what happened before. he grabbed my hand "what are you doing?" he asked as he grabbed the bill from my other hand. "from this point on, i'll be paying for you." he sternly said.

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