part 3

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you shut your phone. you were so confused. you scratched your head as you got up from your couch. "what just happened?" you asked yourself as you began laughing. this guy was crazy.

as jungkook sat behind his desk, he could feel something he's never really felt before. his heart increased its pace. he was confused as to why he felt this way. but ignored it. that's what he always did. he ignored his feelings to make him less hurt. but he wouldn't ever admit it. no way, and seem weak? he wouldn't risk that for the world.

jungkook shook his head as he remained seated. he didn't understand why he was doing this. he was risking a lot already.

jungkook got up and prepare his tuxedo for the following day. he wanted to look presentable for the following night. as he was in his closet, he heard three loud knocks. he knew who they were from, just by their strength.

"what is it's,hoseok?" he said, voice filled with annoyance. he put the tuxedo down on his chair and waited for the timid boy to walk through the big brown doors. hoseok opened the door and walked in as if nothing happened. jungkook remained still, "what is it... last time i'm repeating myself." he said in a stern voice. he normally threatened them, but never has harmed them as they were his best friends. he needed them just as much as they needed him.

"yoongi wanted me to give you this..." he said as he handed me a badge. "what's this?" i asked his holding the badge, and twirling it in between my fingers. he looked at me as if i were crazy. "d-did you forget? we have a meeting tomorrow. you must wear that badge, or they'll freak out. you know this?" he said leaning on my desk. he was in pure shock. i was too. i was so focused on that damn girl. i shook my head as i rubbed my hair. "man, you alright?" he asked me. "i'm fine." i said as i kept my eyes closed as i pointed to the door. he understood what i meant and left immediately.

i threw the badge down on my desk and looked at myself in the mirror. i fixed my bow tie, and cleared my throat as i did so. "what is going on with me." i asked myself, still in shock. i never forget things. never.

i ran upstairs to my room and the first thing i did was check my closet. i scrambled my hands threw any nice clothing. i sighed as i couldn't find the perfect one. RING

i picked my phone up and saw a text from jungkook. i was confused, we just finished texting?

i wasn't too concerned.

i knew the consequences of bringing a girl over. but i remembered everything i've told her. they were secrets. if she let them spill... we're screwed.

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