Chapter : SIX

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Eun Ji's PoV

Today I notice that Yoongi is a bit stressed. He also can't focus on the lesson. His face showed that he has a problem.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He just smiles and denied that he has a problem. I know exactly his habit when he was stressed. He always bites his bottom lip whenever he got a problem or nervous. Since he always looks fine so I guess that he has a problem.

"I'm fine." He said and back to do his work. From what I heard from Joy, Yoongi is weak when coming to Account Balancing. It's not like he isn't good in Math but Business Management. It was something that he can't understand. I need to do something.

"Let stop here. Don't stress yourself." I said and close his book and clear his study table. I know only music can calming his messed mind.
"I would love to hear you play some music for me." I suddenly said. He just chuckled before take my hand out of his room and went somewhere at the end of the hallway.

"Welcome to my shared-studio. Namjoon, Hobi and I always spend time here whenever we want to release tension. We compose songs but only Namjoon and Hobi can perform. Their songs are very good and nice." He said with a wide smile. I could see his happiness when he says that.

He went sat on the chair and make me sit on his left thigh. He presses some button on the keyboard and plays a song.

"You know, no one knows about this except Namjoon and Hobi and now you. I didn't tell the other because their parents are very close to my parent and my dad always asks them about the boys whenever he went to their house. They can't tell lie. Namjoon and Hobi are orphan and because of that, my parent doesn't know about them. They make songs as their job to earn some money. They work under Big Hit entertainment. Sometimes, they compose songs for and idols. But using their nickname." He explains while we just listening to the song.

"Wait, is that your voice?" I asked when hears a voice raps.

"Your hearing is very good. Yeah. That mine. It calls First Love. It about myself." He said. I'm so amused by his voice. It was so amazing.

"If you love music, why did you learn Business?" He sighs and looks down.

"It's my father's request. He wants me and my brother to take care of his company. He said be celebrities didn't bring a good future for me. I can't let them down with my dream. They are my parent and I want them proud of me. A study in Business is the only thing will make him happy. And I did." He said. The song stop.

"It's okay, one day you will get what you want." I said. I know, I have to do something for him before I went to State.

"Let's go out. I'm hungry." He said and we went downstairs.

"How about I cook for you? Do you have something to eat?"  I asked.

Maybe this is the last chance I cook for him. I remember that Joy and Haneul are doing some research to find someone that could help us. Joy said they already found someone. She and Haneul really closed now. Sometimes, I feel like I don't want to get my body back but I can't do that. Joy must love to be with her family. I also invite Joy to come to her own house for a visit. I could see she really miss her family.

"Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Suddenly his voice breaks my thought.

"Urm... Nothing." I said. He came to my side and wipe my tears. I just could stare at him.

'I wish I can see you this close even more but I know, I can't. I love you, Yoongi. I'll never forget our sweet memories.' My heart said.

Just no warning, I hug him. He was surprised but he just hugs me back. I just hold my tears. But before I go, I need to do something. I want to make him archived his dream. I want to see him happy.


After Yoongi sends me home. I didn't enter my house but instead, I went out again. I text Joy to know if she knows Yoongi's parent address and she did know. I ask for it and went to his parent's house. Before the cab come, I went to get something.

"Yes, can I help you?" The security guard asks when saw me standing outside the gate.

"Are Mr and Mrs Min at home?" I asked him.

"Yes. Can I know, who are you? Do you have any important thing to see them?" He asked again.

"I'm Park Soo Young or Joy. Yoongi's girlfriend. I have something to talk to them." I said. He looks at me from up to toe before open the gate.

"Come, I lead you to them." He said. I enter the yard follow behind him. His house is quite big. Bigger than Joy father's house.

"Miss, just follow this maid. She will take you to them." The security guard said. I smile to him as he went away to do his job.

"Here, Miss." The maid said as she let me in.

"Just call me Joy." I said. I didn't use to have maids in my father's house.

We basically doing everything alone. My mother doesn't like to stay behind without doing anything. She is really housewife for my father. She is one in a million. I think I got her traits. Doing everything by myself.

Then she let me go inside to the one of the room that I think it was studying room. There is sat half age couple while looking at me. I gulp as saw how strict is Yoongi's father is.

"Sit." He said. I take a deep breath. Now, I regret to come to see them but I want to do this for Yoongi's happiness.
"So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked with a serious face. His wife also has the same expression.

"It about Yoongi." They straight their posture when hears his name.
"I just... Actually, Yoongi is not happy." I said.

"He is? He seems okay I see." Mr Min said.

"He is not. I know, he won't let me come here if I ask his permission. So, I didn't tell him. To be honest, he doesn't like to lead Business. I'm sorry if I was rude, but he loves music. He really does." I don't know what kind of courage I got to talk to them about this.

"He is sad. I can't see him like that. Pretend he was okay when he always stresses. I know, I don't have any right to make a decision for him. You both happy when he decides to study Business. Did you even ask him what makes him happy? At least one, talk to him. Learn about his life. He has big talent. If you have free time, please listen to this." I said as place a CD on the table. I bought it before I came.

"Agust-D. It his stage name." I said. They didn't say anything. Maybe they were surprised by my sudden visit.
"If you don't anything else, I will leave now," I said as getting up to leave. As my hand about to reach the knob, Mrs Min spoke.

"What is your name, young lady?" She asks. I turn to them and smiles.

"Park Soo Young or Joy." I said then bow to them and went out. I sigh and went home. I hope I didn't make any problem for Yoongi.

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