"Do you have anything on the Ugrarathians?" You could see her flinch from the name and you dropped your head.

"Over here." She walks towards an empty wall. "I hid everything that could possibly turn them against us with, but I guess it really doesn't matter anymore." She scrunches her face up and growls as she struggles to push the wall, you took a hint it was a hidden door so you placed your hand on her shoulder.

"I'll do it." You say quietly, you place your hand in front of you and the white glows from your palm. The wall slowly began to move to the left to show a dark room.

"Your powers?" She gasped and you looked at your hands. "You're the prophecy?" She asks in disbelief.

"I guess so, I wouldn't call myself that, but... who knows." You shrug and look into the dark room ahead of you. She flicks her fingers and a light turns on, there were books and notepads stacked upon each other on bookshelves lining the walls, it was a small room but you considered it big for what it hid. "How much stuff do you have on them?"

"Too much." She sighs and grabs a book.

"I've already read that one." You walk to the end of the room and pick up a black leathered book.

"How have you already read this?" She asks and you look up at her.

"You gave it to me." Your brows furrow and she puts it back on the shelf.

"Let me guess, the future?" She huffs and bends down before rummaging through a box, you look to Bucky who just skimmed his eyes over the piles of paper in front of him. You squinted your eyes and walked in his direction, he watched you as you picked up the page on top of the pile and read through the words and symbols.

"What is it?" He asks when you grab another page and look at it.

"Who are they?" You look at your mother and she looks up at you from her position.

"Show me?" She gets up and you show her the page. "Them..." You looked at her confused before she looked out the door to see if anyone was there. "Zorians."

"Never heard of them." Her gaze moves from the page to your eyes.

"That's because it was forbidden to speak of them." You look up at Bucky to see him scan the pages on the shelf with his eyes.

"Why was it forbidden?" You ask her and she reaches for another page in front of Bucky.

"Our ancestors said that when you spoke of them they were able to hear you, Zoria was a planet that had witches and wizards who could control the weather. They went missing thousands of years ago but nobody spoke of them, everyone believe that they were still alive and were listening from the clouds. One wrong word and they would strike you down with lightning." You looked at her with wide eyes.

"Can they create snow storms?" You raise a brow and she nods.

"They can create anything." You look at Bucky and he raises his brows at you.

"Looks like you were right." He huffs and you nod your head.

"Do you have anything else on these guys too?" You ask and she hums with a nod of her head.

"Help yourself to everything in here. I have to go... check up on... you." She scrunches her face up and you could agree, that is weird to think about. Having your daughter right in front of you and the same person upstairs, that would have to turn a few heads.

"Thanks mum." You hug her tight. She was taken aback at first before she returned the gesture.

"Whatever is going on, I know you'll get through it." She let's go of you and smiles before teleporting from the room.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now