Chapter 8 : Lovin' The Wrong Company

Start from the beginning

" maybe if you'd get the fuck off my back and leave me alone with your nagging I would have to use drugs." He spat at me with his fingers mushing my temples.

" well give me one reason other than your privacy that you don't wanna become an object with me " I said looking at him with warm tears building in my eyes.

All he did was wipe his nose and do this weird low chuckle and then he push past me back into the room on the bed. I wasn't letting him off that easy. I followed him back into the bathroom and kept standing in the doorway by the bathroom and just stood there I couldn't take it no more , if he doesn't wanna answer me then fuck him. I'll make it without him.

I ended up building the courage to let him have a piece of my mind

I just yelled out  "get your ass up and get out my got damn room!" As soon as I yelled at him he jumped up out of the bed and grabbed me by my arms and forcefully pinned me up against the wall , looked me in my face and said

" bitch who you talking too? You feeling bold now? You mad because I won't let people know I'm with you huh? " he said violently shaking me while I had tears of fear falllin. Lately since I found out about the drugs he's been super aggressive he usually would yell in my face but never grabs me let alone dangle me off the ground.

" Chris your hurting me " I managed to get out through my tears and gritted teeth. His grip only seemed to get tighter and rougher. He even shook me harder than he had been shaking me before.

" No you want the truth I'll give it to you. I don't want to be public with you because your too damn fat to be seen with me. And your fat ass will never be good enough to be my girlfriend in public. And as far as the drugs bitch what I shove up my nose is my problem got that bitch?!" He spat at me. What he said broke my heart instantly. I mean went from feeling like I was literally on top of the world one day to feeling like trash down a dirty road.

I couldn't believe what he was saying I knew it was the drugs because my Chris wouldn't say that. My Chris wouldn't break my heart into a million pieces. Once he said that he put me down and I stood there looking at him and all I could get out through my sobs was " well if I'm so fat get your shit and leave. You can go. I don't need you no more you stupid motherfucka. I'll find someone who loves and appreciates me for who and what I am and I bet they won't be a drugged out Crackhead like you!" I spat back walking back into the bathroom to see if I had any bruising on my arms. But before I could even reach the mirror by the door , Chris had ran up on me and pushed me full force to the ground. After that he began to flip me over and started punching , slapping and biting me.

I screamed and cried for him to stop and for some help but  no one saved me no one helped me. After what felt like forever he finally stopped leaving me a bloody mess on the bathroom floor he got up and paced in and out the room until he decided to lay on the ground with me also sobbing. He reached out his arms and me jumping out of fear of being beaten again he noticed and said " I'm not gonna hurt you baby I didn't mean it coco princess, i promise it won't happen again baby it was the drugs, I'll get help just don't leave me I swear I'll be a good man I promise you coco just don't leave " he pleaded to me and I replied " I know baby I got you bookie "  I rocked and we cried and rocked until he began to kiss me and caress me like I've never been touched before.

He picked me up and took me to the shower washing my body being careful over my bruising and scars. After that he wrapped in a towel drying me off lotion'ed me up and took me to the bed.

After he gently laid me down he began slowly massaging me with oils. He turned on some slow rnb that plays every night. I'd be lying to say that he didn't know what he was doing. He even got up to light candles.

Once he started doing all of this for about fifteen minutes he began to lick my toes and worked his tongue all along my legs with some type of chocolate syrup occasionally saying things to me like : "your my queen , I can't go against my queen, I'm so sorry I hurt you"

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