tue, february 19.

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dear diary,

it's my one month anniversary in yoongi's house! i mean it isn't something really to celebrate but like idk i just owe him my life. all that he's done for me... where would i have been if he didn't give me a place to stay? thank you min yoongi.

yoongi said he planned something for us to do this weekend. but he didn't tell me what and now i'm trying to get him to spill it but he keeps saying no ugh.

hopefully it's something fun. i've kind of been wanting to get him a gift so maybe i should get one and give it to him this weekend. what should i get though? even though i really like him jewelry or like a ring or something would be too formal right? i mean i don't think he feels the same way. what about...

a ball of yarn?? HAHAAAAH i'm hilarious. lil meow meow

i can crochet, maybe i can make something that both of us have. and everytime he sees it he'll think of me, even though we live in the same house at the moment. hmm maybe i can make the scream guy. i'll make the face for him and make the pendant sword thingy for me, in resemblance of how we watched all those horror movies together. i hope he likes it ahhh i only have four days to work on it!

yours, jimin

yours, jimin | yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now