"H-hey..." her voice spoke shakily through the phone. 

"What do you want." He sighed while he was writing lyrics in his journal.

"We need to talk.." Shawn said as she bit her lip. 

"Oh, so now you want to fucking talk?! Yeah no." Shawn said about to hang up before something she said caught his ear.

"I know you know!" She told him loudly as a loud sigh escapes her lips and Camila collapsed on her bed.

"Why would you..." Shawn said, he couldn't find the right words to say to her.

"We were drunk." Camila said simply.

"That's it. We were drunk! That's the only reason!" Shawn said sounding a little offended. 

"Yeah Shawn! There's no other reason!" She explained to the Canadian.

"Why would you leave in the morning?" The Canadian asked the Cuban

"I didn't want to face you, I didn't want you to know because I knew it would ruin our friendship.." the Cuban sighed through the phone.

"So you planned on never fucking telling me!" Shawn yelled.

"No- well, I don't know.." Camila spoke honestly. 

"You're unbelievable, if you stayed that morning, heck! I wouldn't be angry or sad. I honestly wouldn't have cared." Shawn told the girl.

"Wouldn't have cared?!" She asked. 

"Like you said, we were drunk!" Shawn replied. 

"Exactly! Why are you angry, it didn't mean anything then!" Camila explained. 

"Who said it didn't mean anything..." Shawn mumbled.

"What do you mean? Shawn, you were to drunk to remember anything." Camila asked curiously.

"So nothing we've ever done meant anything to you?" Shawn asked hurt, his heart shattering ever second.

"No, did they mean anything to you?" The Cuban asked.

"N-no..." Shawn bit his lip, lying to her. 

"So why is this such a big deal!" She asked him frustratedly.

"Because! You fucking slept with me and just decided to leave me in the morning and you decided to never tell me!" Shawn explained. 

"You didn't need to know!" She said. 

"How does that make any fucking sense?!" Camila heard the Canadians voice breaking.

"It just does, okay!" She said, all defensively. 

"No it doesn't! You know it doesn't make any sense!" Shawn yelled.

"Why do you care so much that we slept together!" He heard the Cuban growing frustrated with him. 

"I-I.. you're so oblivious to the reason why. I cant believe you haven't seen it. I've known you since 2014 and you've never noticed!" Shawn said, he still wasn't ready to tell her yet.

"Oblivious?! Oblivious to what!?" She asked confusedly.

"It's not even important anymore, I have to go..." Shawn said and hung up.

Camila groaned and threw her phone across her bed and face planted in her pillows. And felt her eyes well up with tears threatening to fall down to her cheeks.

She really messed up. She shouldn't have left. She knew Shawn would've not made it a big deal and they would still have the close friendship they had.

She was just overwhelmed that morning. It seemed like the best idea at that moment. She wished she thought a little more clearly that morning.

She had never had this big of a fight with Shawn before, that's why it hurt so much. She didn't know who'd she go to advice, Shawn was alway her go to guy for these types of things. She obviously couldn't get advice from him now.

She just closed her eyes and wanted to forget about the fight, she was at home, surrounded by her family. Why would she let a boy ruin her limited time at home.

She put a smile on her face and got up from her bed and walked back downstairs, where her mom, dad and sister all smiled at her.

"So? What movie now?" Camila asked and Sofi ran up to her older sister and hugged her

"We were thinking a Harry Potter movie marathon!" Her mother suggested.

"Yeah kaki!! Harry Potter all night!" She said and Camila laughed as she sat on the couch and cuddled up with her family.

She loved moments like these.
She couldn't wait to have a family of her
Own one day...


Tysm on all the lOve and sUppORt on this book holyyy,,how do I handle it all??

Now I'm sorry for no second update yesterday. I kinda went out of my friends. We were only suppose to hang out for like and hour or two but I came home seven hours later.

Us 14 year olds rlly be wildn😌🤠



In The Morning | SM+CCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora