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"Wentz, you better not be slacking!"

"Sorry, Mr. Ross," the man apologized. "Won't happen again."

Knowing him, it would totally happen again. Brendon cursed, mad that Ryan pushed branching into the music industry so hard.

Their business had stretched over to include making instruments and instrument parts. Ryan, after rekindling his love for music, decided this would be beneficial because it was an easy market.

Brendon agreed with him easily. Music had become one of his interests as well. It had been in his teen years, but after he got kicked out, he couldn't really pay attention to that interest. Now, he played instruments on his off time, and sometimes sang along.

Ryan swore he had the voice of an angel. He was flattered, but didn't really believe it himself. He would rather focus on the instruments.

Brendon went to the front of the store, relishing in what they had accomplished. So far, this business was primarily online, but they recently opened up the store. "Ross' Instrument Department" was an instant success.

But their success didn't change the fact that he was surprised to see the man who was right by the counter. Brendon didn't know how to feel, for he was confronted with his former love. "Dallon?" he choked out.

"Brendon," Dallon replied, smiling. "Hey. Haven't seen you in a while."

Brendon nodded. They haven't really talked since back before the wedding, not because they lost their connection, but more because Ryan came between it. Facing him now, Brendon wasn't sure what to feel. He had pushed his feeling's for Dallon away, but knew they were never really gone. He just always tried to focus on Ryan.

"Yeah. Things have been.. crazy."

Dallon averted his eyes, looking around at the instruments. "So I've been looking for a bass," he began, ignoring their history and his obvious pain. "See, I'm in this band--."

"IDKHow," Brendon recalled, interrupting the other man. "Yeah."

It was obvious Dallon was surprised. "You know about that?"

"Of course," Brendon responded. Back when they were friends, Dallon had expressed interest in music. Due to his financial situation, he couldn't pursue it. Brendon was glad he could now; he had followed his band since practically the beginning, and was proud of his success.

Dallon tried to recover, and go back to explaining what he came for. "I just need like a temporary bass," he explained. "Mine got stolen."

Brendon nodded. He'd heard about that as well, but he certainly never thought Dallon would try to buy from his store. Though he could pretend, Brendon knew him stopping at this store was out of sentiment. He led the taller man over to the bass', allowing him to look around.

"You're looking good as usual, Urie," Dallon said, while still paying attention to the display. He must've held that back since the beginning of the conversation.

"Ross," Brendon reminded him. "Not really a Urie anymore."

When they got married, Brendon quickly decided he would rather have his last name changed than continue with Urie. Urie just reminded him of his family, and that was a terrible path of memory lane. Becoming a Ross was easier than having the burden of carrying the last name of a family that abandoned him.

"You're still Urie to me," Dallon commented, turning back to look at him. "I haven't forgotten what you said, you know."

Brendon's lips twitched. "Looks like I might have, though. Care to remind me?"

"You never felt anything for him." Dallon's words were harsh, and hit right to the point. He wanted to deny it, but there was no point to doing that.

"And?" Brendon questioned. He knew how to hurt him, and he's known for years. "Don't obsess over it. It is what it is, and maybe you should've accepted that instead of hiding from me."

Dallon flinched, and his jaw clenched. It was obvious that he was just angry now. "I don't understand you. You kept saying you loved me, yet you never chose me."

And wasn't that the problem? Everything's good with Ryan. Ryan treated him well, never did or said anything that was out of line. He pampered him, and yet, Brendon never loved him. He never loved him like he loved Dallon.

In another life, maybe he did choose Dallon. In another life, maybe he didn't make such the big mistake of marrying Ryan Ross, the man he had at first hated.

"Before you, I was convinced I could never love," Brendon told him, pained. "I wish things were that simple."

"Things can be simple!" Dallon protested. "I still love you despite all the shit you put me through. Tell me honestly: do you still love me?"

It was the question that Brendon always avoided, despite constantly being in his mind. It wouldn't matter how he felt, because he still had Ryan. But that wasn't the purpose of this question; it seemed like Dallon just wanted relief, confirmation he was right.

"Yes, I still love you," Brendon said, and meant it. "But what do you expect me to do?"

"Divorce him. Stop living a lie."

It was the best argument anyone could've put up. Every day of his life was a fucking lie, and he was so tired of it. He decided Dallon's idea did have some merit, but needed to think about it more. He told Dallon that, and helped him find the bass he was looking for.

When he got home, he knew Dallon was right. The rich life never suited him, he just wanted to not struggle everyday of his existence.

He told Ryan he wanted a divorce because he didn't feel the same anymore.

Ryan smiled bitterly. "I had a feeling the spark was gone for you. I won't hold you back, though I should."

He should've wanted vengeance, but he didn't want to hurt Brendon after everything. He knew Brendon would be happier without him, though he didn't want to admit it.

Brendon did succeed in breaking his heart, like his first plan entailed. But he wished he could have avoided that.

By the end of the month, Brendon was back to living in a small apartment. Ryan still let him work for the music branch of his business, so it was perfect. There was never going to be a time where Brendon struggled for money and resorted to stripping.

And he had Dallon back too. After IDKHow finished their current tour, the two sat down and had a long talk about everything.

They were together now. They never were before, never had the label. For once, being someone's boyfriend made Brendon ecstatic. He kissed Dallon again, having missed doing that over the years.

It was hard to believe that everything started because of Club Overpass, which had shut down two years ago. Gerard had retired from being a stripper after contracting an STD, and after that, the club just went downhill. Mikey's other sources of income, such as being a drug dealer, couldn't keep the club alive.

Club Overpass may have been his beginning, but it certainly wasn't Brendon's ending, and he was glad about that. Years later, he would also be glad to ditch the surname Urie again, exchanging it for Weekes.

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