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Katie's P.O.V

I knew something bad happened when none of them looked me in the eye when Arron wasn't in the car right next to me. with me. where he belongs. I wish he was here right now. I couldn't hold it in anymore I let it out an I cried for the first time in a long time I cried. I cried about everything Kian who is out to get me,my dad,being forced to leave my family, finding out my brothers are gang members,an Arron. I never told him but I think I was in love with him. I wish I told him but now his gone. For gods sake Katie get it together. "Katie can I come in" shawn asks his tone is so caring "yeah" I say while catching my breath. "dinner is ready, an also I'm sorry" he says "come down when your ready" "just give me a sec".

Shawn's P.O.V

When I walked in you could tell she wasn't herself. I wish I could help more. the guys sat at the table in silence. I walked down they all looked up hoping Katie would be behind me. Katie walked down she made it look like she hadn't cried but her eyes where all puffy so we could tell. katie fixed herself a plate while all the guys just watched her. Katie looks so awkward they all where watching her. "guy I know I'm the only girl but can y'all not stare" she said being sarcastic. god she isn't letting a death hold her down. I chuckled at her remark. The other boys just looked in shock. "well at least someone thought I was funny" Katie mumbled.

Third person P.O.V

Katie was making jokes! Maybe this is apart if her healing process. All the boys where in shock at Katie's actions..

She was laughing,smiling all acting she didn't want the boys to know she practically dying inside. Katie wasn't going to let it show. She knew that she had to let it go an it wasn't her fault. An she would have to let go of all the regret an sadness that came with all of this. If she only knew the truth.

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