what if..

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what if we all had super powers...

which is you?.


to never die, to live. in the past present and future. BUT...

side affects~

you'll get old, older and older. you shall live threw rough times , through wars, pain, and to tell stories, generations after generations.


to fly, to seek over your foes and friends, to fly with the birds and free trips over seas. feel the wind threw your hair, if bold you can also wear a cape dont worry ^.^ :P. BUT...

side affects~

to have lightening struct you every single time!.  not to mention bird poop, it'll be scary running...actually flying from airplanes. it can also be exhausting flying all day, trust me you'll miss walking.


wanna not be seen?. being invisible can totally pay off, unlock secrets that has never been discovered, playing tricksy can be your thing you little prankster. or you can always walk around nude ;)... BUT...

side affects~

who doesn't like to be seen some times like come on. and there is only one prank you could pull off, ghost. and don't you miss clothes sometimes?, but wearing clothes, it will always show, and you won't be invisible any more, seeing clothes  float would be awkward.... :1.


to remodel. who doesn't wanna be the cutest hamster in the world?. ^.^ or to be the most vicious lion!. :0 M G!. wanna be free in africa?. be a crazy giraffe to a wild monkey swinging from tree to tree. oo oo aa aa!. lol lol. orrr... just a simple chair.:)


Side affects~

being a chair could not be any simple when somebody wanna fart on you all day!. EEEYUCK! you'll smell poopy!.wait wait hold up, how can you be wild and free in africa when you don't know how to get there in the first place?. :| . and imagine being slowly digested by a snake!. or a whale!.woow.:0

comment the super power you'll love to have one day. and if you have any ideas to avoid the side affects~ you can also comment bout that.

^.^ i would really love to know. :* how about you tell me some super ideas of some super powers you wanna invent!.orr... already invented. :D .. and i would love to know if you have any super powers. shh, message me.if its a secret. lol. wanna know my secret power?.

to make a different in ones life, to make others smile, to make me smile, to accept what i have with appreciation. to invent to know my accomplishments to make accomplishments. and the best power that anyone can have, and I know every one has it. to be my self.


^.^ comment/vote away!.

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