"You fucking idiot!!" Peter yelled.

"The hell!?" Tony said as he picked himself back up blood dropped from his mouth. The suit of armor aimed its hands at peter. The other avengers in this room turned to peter in surprise.

"Peter!" Felicia said surprised.

"You goddamn mother fucking dumb ass!" Peter yelled at peter.

"What the fucking hell are you getting angry about?!" Tony yelled back at peter as he picked himself back up.

"Woah, woah, woah. You two calm down. Now what is going on Spider-Man?" Cap said getting in between the two.

"Why don't you ask him what he's been doing in his labs!" Peter angrily.

"Your gonna have to get real specific in a few seconds or you'll find yourself covered in burn marks." Tony threatened. Peter laughed at the threat.

"Sure. You can get past my Spider sense. But you know what I'll entertain you. Project Generation." Peter said as if it explained everything. Tony looked at peter confused.

"Project generation. The ooze she stole and destroyed?" Tony asked pointing at Felicia.

"Oh. So you do remember. Please go ahead and explain it to everyone." Peter said.

"I don't see what this will accomplish." Tony said.

"Explain it." Peter growled. Tony sighed.

"It was an unidentifiable sample of what we guessed was a part of an alien creature. Our guess was it's blood or some ooze it could produce. The ooze had the amazing ability of unlimited shapeshifting. If we gave it the right electrical current it could change its color, shape, density, everything. I believed it could take humanity to the next step in science." Tony explained. Peter gave tony a slow clap.

"So close Tony and yet so far from the truth." Peter said.

"That is the truth. That's everything it was." Tony said defiantly.

"Well Then your dumber then I thought. That thing wasn't a part of an alien, it was an alien!" Peter said. Tony shook his head.

"No way. it couldn't have been an alien. It was simply a part of one." Tony said. Then he lost some of his confidence. "Wasn't it?" He asked. Peter shook his head. "O-Ok. Then let's say it was an alien. It would have been long dead. There wasn't a single active cell in its body." Tony said.

"Doesn't mean it was dead." Peter said. He dropped the set of papers tony had peter read to help with the projects. "Read the reports about the ooze on February 12th 2014, September 26th 2014, January 8th 2015. Oh! and August 1st 2016. They're highlighted." Peter said. Tony began to read them to himself and slowly began to realize what peter was meaning.

"It was in a dormant state? It was asleep?" Tony said confused.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!" Peter yelled out. Tony shook his head.

"This still doesn't make much sense. Why do you care so much about this alien. We were the ones who found it buried in the ground." Tony said. Peter looked at him.

"Who do you think put that bitch in the ground to begin with Dip shit." Peter retorted. Tony was silent for a few seconds.

"You!?" He said confused.

"Oh. Someone give mr. Stark a prize." Peter said angrily.

"Peter calm down." Felicia said trying to grab his arm. Peter quickly moved away and began to pace.

An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now