I rolled my eyes; very convincing. But I didn’t want to insist on this subject at the moment.

“Um…what I would do? I guess…I’d keep trying. If you are really…interested in someone, show it. And at some point, that person should realize that they can really trust you, and I guess that they should give you a chance.” I muttered, trying hard not to roll my eyes. “But why in the world am I giving you advice on ‘how to get a girlfrined’?”

“You’ll see.” He smirked cheekily at me, and I tried not to get redder than I already was.

“You’re such a weird lad.” I chuckled, although my voice sounded a little strangled.

“And that’s why you love me.” Harry smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. I choke on my coffee that was now almost finished.

“Love? Nope, I don’t think so.” I grinned innocently, but he pouted.

“Of course you do, you don’t need to hide it.”

“Don’t make me come back to the love subject."

I was laughing, but Harry just fell silent, staring intently at his drink. Suddenly, a wide grin formed on his lips, and I knew that I was going to regret it.

“Then, what do I have to do to make you love me?” he asked, emphasizing the word "you".

Yes, instant regret.

“Stop it.” I murmured.

"Stop what?"

“This!” I exclaimed, removing my hand from his and fluttering it in front of him. “This cheeky smile and flirty attitude of a hot pop star. It doesn’t work on me.”

“I wasn’t…Wait, you think I’m hot?”

“You’re unbelievable.” I groaned, grimacing at him. He just laughed.

“Alright, I’ll let you win this time. But don’t worry, you won’t get away only with this.” Harry giggled. “Oh, by the way, the lady sitting on that bench outside your house was your grandmother?”

What a subtle way to change the subject, I though as I nodded quickly.

“Yes, I live with my grandma.”

“But then where are your parents…?” he continued, as my expression changed. And he noticed that. “Oh, um, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s okay. "I smiled slightly at him, and continued in a weak whisper. "I've never met my father, but he is probably dead by now anyway. My mother died right after I was born.” 

“I’m…sorry.” He murmured, but I shook my head, still smiling.

“Don't be. I told you that it was okay.”

“So, is your grandma working, or something?”

“She sometimes sells houses or flats to people through some real estate company, and I usually get some part time jobs, but our house was my mother’s, actually.” I saw Harry looking in confusion at me, so I added. “You know, Rachael Bennett, she was an actress at the theatre you had..that concert.”

He pondered the things for a moment, then his eyes widened; his jaw dropped. Did I say something wrong…?

“You…You’re Rachael Bennett’s daughter? And…oh my God, your last name is Bennett?”

I laughed at his last question.

"It's not funny, you never told me your full name." he pouted, sticking his tongue out at me. "But seriously, you really are Rachael Bennett's daughter?'

“Yes. What’s so weird about it?”

“My mother loved her playing! She always bought tickets to see her at the theatre, even before I was born.” Harry smiled.

“Really?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I knew that my mother was “popular” when she was actress, but I thought that people forgot about her after she died.

“She would love it so much to meet….” He continued, ignoring my question, but then he stopped. I also widened my eyes, as I took the last sip from my coffee. We were just staring at each other, processing the fact that he casually invited me to meet his mother.

After a few minutes of silence, he got up slowly.

“I think I’ll go and get some more coffee, okay?” he asked quickly, and I nodded.

“Oh, and Harry?” I said, as he was already walking away. He turned around, and I smiled sweetly. “I would love to meet your mother sometime."

I smirked mischievously as I turned back to the table, the image of Harry’s cheeks turning red and his jaw dropping imprinting in my head. It was so fun to tease him! As I thought about it, he really was a weird guy. But, at the same time, he wasn’t like I previously judged. Sure, he was still the conceited guy on the outside, but the more time I spent with him, the more I noticed that he could just be like any other normal, cheeky boy. Most of the time, he made me forget that he was actually a celebrity. He made me feel... safe, happy. So I was wondering....

"Sitting alone?"

I jumped out of my skin when a gentle voice spoke from behind me. I turned around with the speed of a lightning, and I froze in my spot. Oh no, that was...not good. Why, oh God. Why now?

I cussed for several times inside my head, before I managed to stutter a few words to the person wearing a giant grin.

"W-What are you d-doing here?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hey peeps,

Writer's block strikes again, ruining my hopes to upload sooner -_- BUT, the good news is that I have planned out the next few chapters, so they should come up quicker.

So, so, please don't mind the parts that are too cheesy, I was still under the influence of Titanic when I wrote most of the chapter. Oh well, we've got a surprise guest there! Who may be, who may be? Well, you don't have many choices anyway, haha, but it will complicate the things a little bit ^^

Vote, comment, fan! Love you <3


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