31. Unanswered

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"Welcome back!" The chorus of voices exclaimed, as I found myself in the middle of all our coworkers, in an empty pool yard. They were all grinning and laughing, warmly eyeing my strange expression.

"W-What?" I asked in confusion, taking aback by all the sudden hugs I'd been embraced into.

"We missed you!"

"I've only been gone for a d--"

"Welcome back, April!"

"I..." I stuttered, looking up at Daniel, questioning him with my eyes; he laughed.

"Are you trying…to say that...?" I murmured, my eyes widening slowly.

"Yes." he grinned ear to ear at my shocked expression, as I soon started to make the connections inside my head. My heart started beating faster, as he opened his mouth again, saying--

"Saying what?!" Liz exclaimed impatiently, making me chuckle.

"I was getting to that part." I rolled my eyes, laughing softly. "He told me that Mr. Royce had had another conference after I left, and that he was searching for me after that."

"So he hired you back?"

"I guess you can say tha--ouch!" I exclaimed, as I felt like Liz had brushed half of my hair off my head.

"Sorry." she muttered, untangling the golden locks of hair in her hand.

"Are you serious? But, why?" I squealed, as I felt a genuine smile starting to form on my lips.

"I sincerely don't know. Maybe he rethought the situation, and realized that he was a little too harsh. He came out again of the conference room, looking for you, but you had already left." Daniel shrugged, but it sounded like something was missing.

"Why would he hire me back when I destroyed the chance for a donation?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh, um, actually you didn't. The pool still got the money." Daniel smirked nonchalantly, but I stared at him with wide eyes.

“H-half a…?”

“Even more!” someone from the crowd exclaimed, as it seemed that people had fallen silent. Until then.

“Everybody put something!”

“Ask Prince Charming over there, I saw him giving the most!”

I blushed as I heard it, and apparently so did Daniel.

“So… it was all of you who made the donation? But, how?Even with everybody’s payment for a year, you still couldn’t…”

“April.” Daniel murmured sympathetically. “We just added our contribution to the original amount of the donation money, otherwise the chief wouldn’t have accepted it. We didn’t make the actual donation.”

“Then, WHO did it?” I exclaimed, starting to get a little annoyed. They were so confusing!

Daniel opened his mouth to speak, but another voice had come to our ears.

“I did.”

I stopped telling my story when I got up from the chair in front of my mirror, admiring the way Liz had straightened my hair. Such an amazing thing that whenever I asked that girl to help me with my hair style she always chose what fit best.

“Thanks.” I grinned at Liz’s impatient expression in the mirror, as I carefully ran my hands through the reddish locks of hair.

“Don’t try to change the subject. Tell me the rest!” she urged me, but I didn’t want to give up on my game so easily.

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