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Strip me naked to the barest of my bones,
So I can feel the heat warm my soul once more,
Tear me limb from limb to my crudest form,
Disintegrate my flesh, turn me to ash,

Light me on fire, let my skin melt off,
So I can feel the heat rush to my body's surface,
Pull my crooked teeth out slowly, one by one,
Render me to nothing, make me ugly,

I want my appearance to make you uncomfortable,
Scared for your well being and scared for mine,
And what I'll be known to be;
A killer of myself and all the world's beauty,

A monster in the shape of a human being,
With creaking joints and mangled appendages,
I'll live inside you and make myself a home,
In your blood, infecting and damaging your brain,

From the destruction of my flesh, I will grow,
Starving, freezing, burning with the heat of wrath,
Dripping poison from my open sores,

I want you to fear me,
I want to drive you insane.

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