Marmalade Dreams

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Supersonic whiplash,
Creatively soaring over automatic waves,
Tunnel vision circles and parades,

Marmalade dreams,
Smooth as silk and white as cream,
Sickening sweet like candy cane saliva,
Dripping from the seams,

Honey milk streams,
Overflow loudly and clean,
Baked larva purify moons,
Precipitate with otherworldly detention and specter intention it deems,

Outside it laughs,
Inside I peer,
Around the endless corners in a rounded room,
Meeting my own eyes again,

A crevice blooms,
between us,
It brings gloom,
beneath us,

I jump into this continuous sight of mine,
A pool of sticky thoughts,
Rich visions,
Lost in a pond none can find,

Drowning in this state of mind,
Aqueducts realign,
Make a home within my womb,
And from me borns my doom,

Sing goodbye,
Make me mine,
Subdue me...

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