Brain Drain

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Take my breath away,
Dear anxiety of mine.
Corrupt my thoughts and destroy my mind;
I cannot live this way.

I feel so far away.
Like the world's in my peripheral vision,
Disappearing out of my line of view,
Before I can come back to my senses.

I am so tired,
My brain is numb,
But when it's said and done,
Will it be worth it?

All the days I've spent living,
With stress consuming me,
And torturing my brain;
I feel so drained,
Of what life I once had.

Will all my pain and struggle be worth it?
Will my anxiety ever fade away,
Or will I?

My mind is succumbing,
To the pressures of the world too quickly.
I am not ready,
To be a shell of the person I once was.

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