Vision Warp

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I had a vision of a warped effigy,
And I was aware of the fact that it looked like me,
Broken and twisted in places carelessly,
Destroyed and decayed for all the world to see,

My eyes were stone but I could feel the gaze,
Of my statue lingering on me, stuck with glue,
I stared into my own eyes and they looked crazed,
Haunted by my sins, old and new,

I had wings like a gargoyle and trapped inside,
Was my soul screaming for retribution,
I had two faces and neither could hide,
My startling dependence on dark illusions,

I was grayed, dried out, and withered away,
My skin was wrinkled and creased;
And my effigy was made out of clay,
Like a sculpture, but I'm no masterpiece,

The only words the other me could speak,
Was satanic slang spoken in tongues,
Gargled and muted, distorted and meek,
Then the smoke began to fill my lungs,

I had a vision of a warped effigy,
But it was just a reflection of me;
A contorted version dangerously,
Playing with crimson red flames.

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