chapter 20

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Denji watched Mitsuko and Jirou reach home "So you live in this dump" he chuckled.

Jirou was about to speak then he stopped himself he turned to look over the balcony but his eyes caught Denji "he followed us"

Jirou ran inside his home and ran to his dad "DAD, there is some man outside, he followd me and Ryouhei's mom home"

Yoshiro looked at his son "Stay here and i'll go and have a look"

Yoshiro went outside to check but there was no one there "Jirou are you sure"

Jirou nodded "Dad im sure"

"Your son isnt lying, Denji indeed followed my wife and your son home" Itsuke told him.

Yoshiro gulped "Thats a creepy name"

Itsuke sighed "he'll be dead soon"

Jirou came out the small apartment "You cant kill someone, you'll go to jail even worse, death"

Itsuke looked at the younger boy "When it comes to family you need to protect them at all cost"

Yoshiro looked at his son "I will do the same thing son"

Jirou looked at his dad "If you ever went to jail who would i live with"

Yoshiro sighed "Son your my only son"

Itsuke looked at the shadow move "I know his there, but the only thing i can do is phone the police and get my family moved to another block"

Jirou looked at the man "But who would i have as friends"

Yoshiro turned to his son "Jirou thats enough"

Itsuke sighed "Im sorry Jirou but its the only way to protect my family"

That night Kaze was sitting on her bed with Ponko "Such a cute animal" she smiled.

Ponko jumped onto Kaze's shoulder and rubbed her head against hers "Aw Ponko you're so soft"

"Kaze sweetie can i come in" her mother spoke. Kaze smiled "Sure mom come in" Kaze smiled as she put a blanket over Ponko making her squeak.

Haruhi smiled "Honey, dad told me about the animal you brought in yesterday"

Kaze looked down "Mom she was cold and hungry, she even looked weak"

Haruhi sighed "sweetie you know you cant keep wild animals"

Kaze pulled the blanket off Ponko "mom, she uses the toilet outside, shes housetrain, come on mom please can i keep her"

Haruhi looked at Ponko then at her young daughter "Okay Kaze you can keep her, but look after her" Haruhi smiled.

Kaze smiled and hugged her mom "Thank you mommy"

meanwhile at the apartments~

"MOVING" Ryouhei yelled.

Itsuke sighed "Im sorry Ryouhei we have too, that man is after your mother"

Ryouhei sighed "Oh you mean Karasu's dad"

Itsuke nodded "We have to move son, if that man ever lays a hand on her i would kill him"

Ryouhei sighed "Fine i'll go and say goodbye to Akane and Jirou"

Mitsuko sadly watched her son "Im sorry about this"

Itsuke turned to Mitsuko and pulled her into a hug "Its not your fault, remember that"

"Ryouhei you cant go" Akane told him. Jirou nodded "Yeah you cant"

Ryouhei sighed "Im sorry but its the only way to protect my mom, i  will still try and come and see you"

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