chapter 1

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Nishikage pov

my alarm beeped 6.30am, i slowly open my eyes and hit the button to turn my alarm off. I then heard my younger sister's alarm going off.

I then got out of bed and made my bed, i turned to pull my curtains and open my window.

Kaze ran into my room and hugged me, she looked very happy, but i love seeing her smile.

end of pov

Kaze smiled "Big brother, im a second year student i can tell the 1st years what to do" she smiled.

Seiya smiled "And im a third year student, my last year infact"

Kaze looked at her older brother "Wait that means new first years"

Seiya nodded "As a second year thats your job to look out for them on their first week"

"Seiya, Kaze" a lady called from downstairs whos name was Haruhi.

Kaze smiled "Thats mom maybe breakfast is ready"

Seiya smiled "Im kinda hungry"

Kaze smiled "im starving"

After breakfast Seiya and Kaze started getting ready for school "Seiya why cant you do your eye liner at school" asked Kaze.

Seiya turned to his sister "I dont leave the house till my eyeliner is on"

Kaze looked confused then turned to her mom "remind me did Seiya do this as a first and second year" she asked.

Haruhi nodded "Yes darling, since he was eleven infact"

"Alright im done" Seiya called.

Kaze smiled and pulled onto Seiya's arm "Bye mom, see you later, tell dad i said bye"

"See you later mom" Seiya gave a small wave.

On the way to school Seiya and Kaze were crossing the streets when a kid ran up to them and stopped behind them.

Seiya looked at the young boy's blazer "A first year then"

Kaze smiled "You must be new"

Toramaru nodded "Yes"

Seiya looked at the kid "Are you lost"

Toramaru gave a nod "yes"

Kaze smiled "You can follow us"

Toramaru smiled "Thank you"

"Your pretty young for a first year" Seiya pointed out.

Toramaru smiled "Im only eleven.

Kaze looked at Toramaru "Eleven, thats so young"

The 3 students made it to the school "The first year's normally stand by the football pitch" Kaze smiled.

Toramaru looked and gave a small bow before running over.

Ryouhei turned his head "The third years think their so smart"

Toramaru gulped and looked at the older male before for him "His not to bad he brought me here"

Ryouhei looked at him "Didnt your mom bring you"

Toramaru shook his head "Did your mom bring you"

Ryouhei looked at him "no im old enough to walk myself"

Austo turned to Ryouhei "Take it easy on him"

Hanta gave a nod "It must be scary being new here, i followed that girl with long white hair"

Ryouhei turned to him "That girl is a guy i saw him in the bathroom"

School lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora