chapter 4

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Ryouhei lent back on his chair on the desk then his eyes caught Toramaru "Hey kid"

Toramaru gulped and turned to the boy with grey hair "Umm yes"

Ryouhei looked at him "How old are you"

Toramaru looked "Im only 11"

the whole class gasp even had the 3rd year Nishikage Seiya in shoked.

Toramaru nodded "Yes im 11"

Haruya closed his eyes "Explain to us"

Toramaru looked at him "explain what" he asked.

Hanta smiled "About you being a young freshmen"

Toramaru took a deep breath in "I dont want too"

Seiya looked at Toramaru "It will make the third and second years to undertsand"

Kousuke looked at Toramaru "I havent got a mom or dad at the moment, but I know my parents will come back for me"

Asuto smiled "I havent got a mom and i dont know who my dad is"

Ryouhei sighed "I have a bear hoodie with ears on the hood"

Toramaru took a deep breath "My mom owed the old school alot of money because she was always ill and the school were paying for my stuff, and she took me out to home school me but she got more sick"

"Then what" Haruya asked.

"My mom found about this school helping the rich and the poor" Toramaru smiled.

Seiya went over to him "Not only that, the school helps the students who have parents who cant pay all the bills"

Toramaru smiled and looked at everyone around him.

Sakanoue smiled "See we are all here for you"

meanwhile the second years were going to their new class "Wow i cantwait" Kaze smiled. Yuuma nodded "Looking out for the first years, i remember when Seiya was a second year and he looked out for us"

Yuuto have a small nod "Kaze is a lucky kid to have an older brother who looks after everyone"

Kaze smiled "I love my older brother and even tho my older brother may look scary he is a caring guy deep down"

Reina smiled "I wish i had an older brother"

Shuuya looked at her "What about the others"

Reina sighed "i want a older by blood, the guys look out for me but it would of been nice to have a older brother"

Kaze smiled and hugged her "Your like my sister"

Reina smiled and hugged her "That means alot"

the second years made to their class rooms and sat down together "during lunch im going to speak to that little first year" Kaze smiled.

"The one with the bunny ears" Yuuto asked. Kaze shook her head "The little boy with blue hair"

"Ohh him" Ryuuji smiled.

The morning went fast everyone was sitting in the hall eatting their lunch. Toramaru sat by himself when Kaze went over "Hello" she smiled.

Toramaru jumped "GAH"

Kaze smiled "I wont hurt you im Kaze whats your name"

Toramaru hid his blush" Im Toramaru"

Kaze smiled "I need to ask, your very young to be here"

Toramaru looked down "My mom owed the old school alot of money because she was always ill and the school were paying for my stuff, and she took me out to home school me but she got more sick"

Kaze looked down "Is there anything else"

Toramaru sighed "She got more sick, she was going to send me back to the old school but she heard about this school and she begged the head master to let me come here. He agreeded but only if i got more homework then the rest to help me catch up"

Kaze looked down then smiled "I can help you with homework" she smiled.

Toramaru smiled "wow you will" Kaze gave a small nod.

Ryouhei sat on the next table "Seems like you have a crush" he said as he took another bite of his peanut butter sandwhich"

Kaze gave a small blush "I CAN TELL YOU TO SHH IM OLDER THAN YOU"

Ryouhei smiled "Whens your birthday" he asked.

Kaze looked "Its April 27th, whens yours" she teased. Ryouhei looked away "May 25th"

Kaze smiled "IM SO OLDER THAN YOU" she cheered.

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