chapter 14

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After lunch the first year and second years joined classes for their english lesson "Right class you will all be given a red english book for you to write in"

Karasu looked up at the book "Cant we have the old ones from last year"

The two teachers looked at Karasu "You finised it"

Karasu rolled his eyes and looked at the first year behind him "Hi Class rep of the first year"

Kousuke gulped and turned his head "Umm hi"

The teachers started handing out the books to both classes "Name on the front class"

Toramaru got his pen out and held his head "Teacher please can i go to the bathroom"

The second year teacher felt his head "Your not burning up but if you need to go you can"

Toramaru got up and bowled to the teacher and slowly made his way to the bathroom.

"My...legs....feel head hurts" he said to himself.

Toramaru made his way to the bathroom he slowly went in.  His eyes started to go blur he fell to on side and he hit the ground.

Yoshiya went to the bathroom to get some tissue when he saw Toramaru on the floor. "OH MY GOD" Yoshiya yelled.

He took his blazer off and wrapped Toramaru in to keep him warm "Its okay im going to get help" he said.

Yoshiya ran to the nearest classroom which happened to be the second year, he burst in and looked at the teachers "Im sorry to burst in but, there's a student past out in the boy's bathroom"

"Class stay seated" the first year teacher commented.

Both teachers and Yoshiya went back to Toramaru in the bathroom while the students started to talk to eachother "You think its Toramaru" Yuuto whiperd.

"I dont know he did go to the bathroom" Ryouhei spoke up.

Atsunori turned to Kaze "Should someone inform the third year and headmaster"

Kaze shook her head "No let Yoshiya inform the third year teacher"

Toramaru open his eyes slowly and saw the teachers around him "Where am i" he asked.

"Its okay Toramaru" His teacher spoke.

"We'll take you to the nurses office" the second year teacher spoke.

Yoshiya came in the bathroom with the third year "I heard about what happen"

Yoshiya nodded "He was just lying there on the floor"

"He does look pale" the third year teacher looked at him"

"Did you have lunch" asked the second year teacher.

Toramaru rubbed his head "i cant remember if i had breakfast or lunch"

"Yoshiya, take Toramaru to the nurses office, and get him some fruit and a drink"

Yoshiya nodded and bowled "Yes"

Toramaru held onto Yoshiya as he walked to the nurses office "I dont feel well"

Yoshiya looked at the younger boy "Now tell me something, are you being bullied"

Toramaru shook his head "No just alot of stress at home, my mom gets sick alot"

Yoshiya looked at him "Listen im going to believe you about your mom, but tell me the truth are you being bullied"

Toramaru looked down "Its that second year with pink hair, he took my breakfast and my lunch"

Yoshiya looked at him "Oh you mean Karasu but  why didnt you tell anyone, we would of helped you"

Toramaru hid his tears "I dont like to cause trouble"

Yoshiya picked Toramaru up into his arms "Listen little one, dont be scared to speak to us, everyone is here to help from the first years, second years, third years and the teachers, you can also speak to the headmaster too"

Toramaru nodded "Thank you" he smiled weakly.

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