chapter 7

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Toramaru POV

I dont like school at all i wish i was home school or even back at my old school, I cant tell my mom as shes not well. I cant find someone i trust to tell, if i told the teachers what would they do. I just wished we had class reps now who i could speak to.


The bell rang 3.30 for end of school "Alright class see you tomorrow"

Michiba smiled "see you all tomorrow"

Haruya gave a yawn "That was long"

Ryouhei looked at Haruya "You think, you just stared out the bloody window"

Mamoru smiled and ran past the first years "Im signing up for the soccor club"

Ryouhei looked at the boy running then turned to the rest of the class "Im going home to sleep"

Ryouhei made his way into the door when his mother smiled at him "Ryouhei sweetie we have a new neighbour I told his dad you would take his son out"

Ryouhei looked at his mom "Mom the kid is probably like 5 what if he poops or pees what am i going to do"

Itsuke lifted his head from his book "His the same age as you, surely he wont have any accidents"

Mitsuko smiled "Go and say hello son, he lives next door to Akane"

Ryouhei looked "Oh does he now"

Ryouhei left the small apartment slamming the door shut.

"He gets door slamming of you" Mitsuke took a sip off her hot chocolate.

Itsuke looked up and back at his book "I only slammed the door to see if it was fixed"

Yoshiro was cooking some soup and his son was watching TV.

"Jirou i invited the Haizaki's son over for you to get to know someone"

Jirou sighed "Dad do i have to"

Yoshiro smiled "Yes son it will be nice for you to meet someone"

Ryouhei knocked on the door and waited "Coming" Jirou called in a unhappy tone.

Jirou open the door and saw the grey hair teen standing there before him "Hi im Haizaki Ryouhei"

Jirou looked "Im Sakuma Jirou"

Yoshiro smiled and came up to the two boys "Im Sakuma Yoshiro, its nice to meet you Haizaki Ryouhei"

Yoshiro put a hand on his son's shoulder "Spend some time with Ryouhei son"

Jirou grabbed his shoes and left the house "You dont seem happy" Ryouhei asked.

Jirou looked up "I just moved here today"

Ryouhei looked at him "I can see"

Jirou and Ryouhei walked to the park and sat on the nearest swings "The thing is we left my mom" Jirou spoke.

Ryouhei blinked "What do you mean"

Jirou looked at him "She died and she's buried in my old home town, dad lost his job and the house, i was getting bullied at school and the money we had left we got a stupid apartment"

Ryouhei looked away "would you rather be on the streets, dont know if you would see the next day"

Jirou sighed "You have a fair point"

Ryouhei looked at him "Its hard having to all sleep in one room, i can tell you that now, my mom offen has nightmares, when my dad is in a mood he stays out all night"

Jirou looked at him "Why does he stay out all night"

Ryouhei looked at Jirou "Ever heard the saying a day a man raises his hand to a women he's no longer a man"

Jirou shook his head "Is your dad abusive"

Ryouhei sighed "Well he suffers with angry problems, and when he gets angry he walks it off because he fears he will hurt me or my mom"

Jirou sighed "Thats sad"

Ryouhei looked at Jirou "Anyway whats with the patch both you and your dad wear them"

Jirou looked "I dont want to talk about it for now"

Ryouhei nodded "I understand"

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