chapter 13

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All the classes were back in their classrooms and were doing normal lessons when the second year teacher smiled at her class "After lunch we are having english with the first years, and after english its maths with the third years"

"Third years" Karasu looked at his teacher.

"Yes Karasu, we are having mixed lessons now with the other classes" the teacher smiled at Karasu

"Oh dear god" Karasu sighed.

"Its not that bad Karasu you will get to meet more friends" The teacher sighed.

Kaze smiled and put her hand up "Are we going to be in groups for english and maths"

The teacher smiled "Not this term but next term you will be "

Kaze smiled "wow i cant wait"

During lunch Karasu and Noboru were sitting under a tree "So did you get any information" Karasu snapped.

Noboru gulped "Austo hasnt got a mom but doesnt know his dad, Kousuke said he hasnt got a mom or a dad at the moment but he hopes he gets to see them again"

Karasu looked at the class rep of the first year "Oh so his an orphan"

"And Toramaru has  a sick mom, and left his old school due to bullying"

Karasu smiled and pulled out some sushi "Thanks for the information"

Toramaru sat on a wall and held his head "Stupid headache"

"Are you okay" a voice spoke.

Toramaru looked up and saw a goggle kid "Im Kidou Yuuto, you must be Toramaru"

Toramaru nodded "How do you know my name"

Yuuto smiled "My friend told me"

Toramaru gave a nod "Was it Kaze, she seems really nice"

Yuuto smiled "She is, her older brother is a goal keeper of the school, when Karasu broke my hand, Kaze took me to the nurses office along with her older brother"

Toramaru smiled "I wished i had a older sibling"

Yuuto bit into his sandwhich "I have a  younger sister but she doesnt go to the school"

Yoshiya smiled and put his hands on Yuuto "Yuuto want a shoulder massage"

Yuuto looked at the third year "No thanks, why you giving out massges"

Yoshiya smiled "You looked stressed"

Yuuto looked at him "Im not"

Yoshiya smiled to Toramaru "Would you like one you look tired"

Toramaru looked at the third year "No thanks" Toramaru jumped up.

Yoshiya hid his smile "let me guess...ticklish"

Toramaru blushed "Dont tell anyone"

Yoshiya smiled "I wont, but arent you just a cute little first year"

Toramaru blushed and hid his face.

Kaze came up to Yoshiya "My brother would like to speak to you"

Yoshiya looked "I didnt mean to tease him"

Kaze looked at Yoshiya "YOU DID WHAT"

Yoshiya smiled "He was hiding his tears because you got to be class rep in the second year, i mean it was cute"

Kaze looked at Yoshiya "Meanie"

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