chapter 8

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Toramaru got home and went straight to his room and layed on his bed "Toramaru sweetie is everything okay"

Toramaru looked at his door "Yes mom im just sleepy thats all, my day was good i met alot of friends"

Tae smiled "Thats good baby im glad"

Toramaru smiled and layed his head on the pillow but his smile became a frown he let some tears out.

"I hate school" Toramaru whisperd.

Karasu watched from a side "Thats where you live" he chuckle "I'll see you tomorrow morning"

Toramaru got up and looked out his window and he saw Karasu standing outside. "No he cant of followed me"

Ryouhei and Jirou walked past Karasu "Thats Karasu the school bully"

"And i found out your name its Haizaki Ryouhei" Karasu smiled.

Ryouhei looked at him "HOW DID YOU FIND THAT OUT"

Jirou looked at the two "Maybe we should go"

Karasu smiled "I found out,"

Ryouhei looked at Karasu "Tomorrow i will deal with you at school"

Karasu grinned "heh, not if i finish you first"

Karasu looked up and saw the girl in his class and her older brother "Oh crap its the third year Seiya and his baby sister who look nothing alike"

Seiya looked at Karasu "Shut your mouth and dont treat my sister like that"

Jirou looked at Kaze "she has the same eyes as her brother"

Kaze looked at Seiya "Its okay big brother"

Seiya looked at Kaze "I cant have him bullying you like that"

Karasu then caught his eye on Sakuma "Hey why you wearing a patch"

Jirou looked away "I dont want to talk about it"

Karasu smiled "Awww little baby going to cry"

Seiya then looked at Karasu "Thats enough Karasu"

Karasu put his hands behind his head "Chill all off you"

Karasu slowly walked away from the small gang "Are you okay" Ryouhei looked at Kaze. Kaze nodded "Im okay but are you both okay"

Ryouhei nodded "Im okay, what about you Jirou"

Jirou started to shiver "Its happening all again, the bullying its coming back"

"Its okay calm down" Seiya tried to calm him.

Kaze looked at Jirou "Its okay try and calm down"

Ryouhei put his hand on the boy's shoulders "Its okay he's gone try and calm down"

Jirou looked at the ground, his breathing startes to get heavy and tears fell from his eyes.

"Please take me home" Jirou begged.

Ryouhei nodded "I'll take you home"

Kaze looked and got a peice of paper and wrote some numbers down "Here's mine and my brothers number, please ring us for an update"

Ryouhei took the numbers and nodded "Okay Jirou lets go"

Kaze watched and took her brother's hand "Lets go big bro"

Seiya nodded "Okay lets go"

Kaze and Seiya walked down the road when Kaze grabbed her brother's hand tighter "Big brother did Karasu really mean about what he said"

Seiya looked at his sister "No of cause not, not every brother and sister look the same sis, in my eyes you're perfect the way you are"

Kaze blushed and hugged her brother "Aww thank you big brother"

Seiya returned the hug and started to make their way home.

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