Wtf just happened

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No one Knows,
The Sleepless nights,
The headachs,
The Nightmares.
It's Been two days since i had left, i Bet Noah is doing better than me.
I've come to learn that Jerry is controling and my "mother" is too silent let me Refrase that she is too scared to say anything.
He won't let me anywhere near my own Fiance
What have i done...
Every part of my Body is sore and Hurts. Hes been making me surf 24 hours a Day everyday until i get Better. The lack of Breath and Strength is killing me. And everytime i wipe out i get a Fresh Beaten from Jerry.
It is sunday 12:00 and i'm on the waves of course. I do a Duck Dive and make it safely to the surface. Water Sprays into my face as the aftermath of the left over wave takes its toll. I open my eyes and spit out the water that somehow invaded my mouth. I paddle as a Beautiful Wave comes up through the Dim light of the Horizon. I paddle Hard. So hard i think my hands are about to charge me for murder.
I Grab the Rim of the Board as i lifted myself. I stand straight then. WIPE OUT!. i hit the water and wanted air so Bad
My lungs were on fire. I scratch for the surface But i see no sign of it. I reach up and i feel cool air. I Scratch again only to Be at the Surface. I look up to see another wave Ready to Pound me. I try to swim away But it didn't work. I took in a Bunch of air and went under. When the wave Finished i reached the surface and Took in air. Then i grabbed my Board and paddled off. When i reached the Shore all i felt was someone take a handfull of my shirt and Drag me somewhere. I look up to see Jerry. A tear wanting to fall cause i know im in Big trouble.
(Noah's P.O.V)
I lost her. Why did i let her slip from my fingers. I felt so lost and upset. I haven't slept, eaten, or went anywhere sinse she left. The only time i do go somewhere is when i try to go look for her.
"Have you seen this girl?," i say only to have no's come out.
"Ive seen her," i hear someone say and i turn.
"Really? Where?," i say and he looks down thinking.
"Over at the beach down their her family owns a Beach house over there," he says and i gasp and Sprint in that direction.
(Nick's P.O.V)
I've spent an hour on the waves and had Absolutely no luck in catching a wave. luckily Jerry Left a while ago so I was alone on the water. I have always tried to Imagine what it would be like to see my parents again but it was never like this. I always Imagined them coming Back and Greeting me with a warm hug and a Truck load of apologies and them trying to Explain how they changed. but no.

I sat on the water While Gently floating on the Board. then suddenly I hear this faint Familiar voice yell out my name. I Glance Back at the Beach to see a small figure. suddenly my eyes went wide in pure Joy and hope. "Noah? NOAH!! NOAH!!," I yelled while paddling my way to the Beach. I finally made it to shore and started limp running towards him in excitement. we make it to each other and he Hugs me and picks me up while twirling me around. "Niccasa Lavon don't you scare me like that again," he says and I hug him and giggle. I kiss him passionately and he returns it in a heart Beat. "Noah oh my Gosh I thought I would never see you again," I say and he looks me seriously in the eye. "we will always find each other," he says and he kisses me again.

"NICCASA LAVON!!," I hear someone say and shivers run up and down my spine at the man who calls himself my father. I turn around and stand in front of Noah who decides to fight with me on who is Protecting who By Us taking turns getting in front of each other. I give up and jerry makes his way over to us. "oh you again I should have known you would come around here to see Niccasa," Jerry says staring at him so hard I thought he was gonna Bury a Hole in him with his eyes. "she's mine of course I'd come Back, I would do anything for her," Noah says and I smile up at him But he doesn't Notice. Noah stares at Jerry Dead on and they Both Just have a staring contest. "she's coming Back with me," Noah says and I Grab his arm and Hold on for dear life.

" I don't think so son," Jerry says and I frown. I glare at the horrible man in pure hatred for him. Noah Grabs hold on to my hand on his arm and I look up at him. he looks at me and I glance Back at jerry but not fast enough. "Noah look out!!," I yell But before he could turn his head Jerry struck his Jaw. Noah Comes Back fast and Knocks Jerry out. "lets go Baby," he says and I nod still Mesmerized By the scene that came undone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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