the Shark

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I woke at 6:00 cause I was a little to excited about going to North Shore Beach I walk into the kitchen with the girls and see mom making slushys I sit down at the table.

"so when you get back from the water I have a English assignment all ready for you," she says.

"but it's a holiday," I say

"it's Holloween," she says again.

"we were hoping we could have a few more hours on the waves today," Alana finally speaks up.

"what you didn't get enough last night just say the word and we will enroll you into public school where you could ride the bus for 45 minutes and do 8 hours of straight work during surf hours cause I'm alright with that,"she says.

"no I love home school," Bethany says.

"me too adore totally," Alana agrees and I nod Bethany gets up from the table and walks over to her .

"I'm sorry mom I just really wanted to go I mean everyone talks about how awesome it is even Noahs done it," Beth says.

"he has?," she asks and I choke on my Drink.

"he has?," I say"why wasn't I informed of this?," I ask

"why didn't you just ask?," she asks. dad and the boys walk in

"cause she knew you would say no," dad cuts in.

"how did you know I would say no?," she asks

"would you have let us go?," I ask 

"no. I don't know," she says  Noah walks over to me and wraps his arms around me then steals my drink.

"hey you little jerk that's mine," I say and he shrugs.

"hey no no no no no,"mom says catching dad pull something out of the fridge. I giggle Timmy says something but I was to acknowledge it I turn around and try to steal my drink back but he was to tall so I had no such luck then a horn goes off.

"That's your dad Alana have fun girls," Timmy says and I hug him but immediately get pulled away from him then find myself in Noahs arms again.

"my girl," he says and I kiss him and run out the door to the car I get in and hug Alana' s brother Byron from behind cause I haven't seen him in forever then a good song comes on me and the girls start jamming to the music they turn it up then I stop and look out the window to the water the waves were perfect we park and get out I toss my Jacket in the trunk and grab my Board I forgot to bring my shoes so my feet hurt like a bit-switch we finally made it to the beach at first we stand there and stare at it.

"I have a meeting at 10 so we don't have a lot of time," Alana' s Dad says.

"easy just pick us up after your meeting," I say.

"yeah right," he says and I chuckle.

"let's just get in the water already," Byron says running to the water we all follow behind we jump in the water and paddle towards the waves when we get there I was the first to surf I do a swift jump in the air then land I do a fabulous carve off the top then go for a tuned finish then Bethany does a trick I can't remember the name of. We surf for a while then lay down on our boards and chill Alana lays on her stomach Bethany does the same but with her hand in the water I got that bad feeling again they were talking about what Alana should where at her photo shoot then I see a shark come out of the water and take off Bethany' s arm!!!.

"Bethany are you o-!!" I get cut off by a shark getting me on the leg I didn't know what to do I couldn't move I couldn't yell I couldn't look at me leg.

"Dad where's the shark?," Byron says 

"I don't know just help Nick," Alana' s Dad says to Byron he comes over to me and I fall back on my board my leg was hurting something awful the Water was soaked in me and Bethany' s Blood Byron pulls me up to the shore and runs to get his phone.

-Cheri Hamilton's P.O.V-

"morning mom" Noah says walking into the kitchen again.

"hey when did you go night surfing?," I ask and he looks at me slightly confused.

"uh night surfing hmm," he says then the phone rings I pick it up.

"hello," I say and I hear something I wish I never heard.

"yourdaughterandNickhavebeenbittenbyashark," Byron says.

"wait what," I say and he explains it more slowly my eyes widen and I drop the phone and grab the keys

"mom?," Noah says.

"hurry up come on we have to go the girls have been bitten by a shark," I say and his eyes go wide too.

"wait which girls," he says ans and I nod understanding that he wanted to know if Nick was one of the girls he bolts for the car and gets in as fast as he can I run up and get in too.

-Nicks P.O.V-

Byron returns a few minutes later panting like he ran a hundred miles  he comes up to me and trys to help me.

"Byron go help B-Bethany I'll be f-fine," I say and he shakes his head no and I puff out air and try to breath he picks me up and runs back to the car they put us in the trunk and I grab Bethany' s hand and I don't let go she gives me a weak smile and I return it but I can see her slowly fading and I know she sees it in me too we start riding then stop I hear faint sirens and then I feel someone lift me onto a bed then separate me and Bethany' s hand so they can get us inside the truck then we drive off.

​-Noah' s P.O.V- 

I hear sirens behind us and I jump I turn around and see a ambulance speeding down the road and mom grabs my arm.

"please don't take her please don't take her please don't take her," mom says and a tear slips from my eye but I wipe it away we stop in front of the hospital and mom runs out of the car while leaving it on and everything  I turn off the car and run after her as soon as I get there I wish I didn't. I see Nick really pale with her leg all tore up and bleeding really bad I run up to her and Bethany and I help them bring the girls in they stop in a medical room and push her in I can't believe this I can't do it oh my gosh...

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