The Competition

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Turns out i missed a lot.

Beth went on a trip And Learned a lot though i wish i learned that lesson too. And Now she's gonna keep surfing to keep the hope alive.

She's gonna Surf in the competition.

We are training her. 

but this is happening and I'm proud of her. I'm putting away my fear and replacing it with Hope. Beth, Timmy, Mom, Dad, and Noah Gave me that.

The Heat has started 12 Surfers Ready to compete and Only 5 can make it. And One will make it to the finals.

I limp Beside Beth as she walks up to Malina Berch. Or should i say Malina Bitch. Malina frowns as the Camera's come to swoon over Bethany. malina Comes over and wraps her arms over Bethany's Shoulder.

"What are you doing here?," she says. I Glare at her.

"Competing," she says.

"Well i hope you Don't Get beat up again," she says and i scoff.

"You know what Malina-," i say But Bathany Cuts in.

"Thank you," Beth says and Me and Malina look at her confused and surprised.

"For what?," She says and I stare at Beth intently.

"For never taking it easy on me," she says. "It means a lot," she adds and i smile at Malina as we walk away.

"You know How much i love you right now is unbelievable," i say and she laughs as i hug her tightly.

"I love you too," she says and She sits Down to chalk her Board. I limp over to the Family. I Blush like a Crazy person when i see Noah Smirking at me. I Limp Faster and Slap his chest.

"Ow what was that for!?," he says laughing and i Laugh.

"You know Exactly why you Jerk!," i say smiling. He wraps his arms around me and We sit down with me in his laps and our hands Locked together. I cheer as i see Beth Running out to the water and Getting on her Board they Paddle out and She Duck Dives. I cheer her on. She Keeps Paddling and she Does a paddle Battle and looses then she Paddle Battles again and Looses. At this poont she is getting Irritated. I sigh and Squeeze Noah's hands. I see another paddle Battle and BETHANY GOES UNDERNEATH MALINA!!! i cheer as she pops out the other side and Makes the wave she tunnels it and comes out smiling and pounds her fist in the Air.

Second heat and the waves are disappearing. I Look at Beth confused as she Paddles far out and Just Floats.

"She knows something," Dad says.

I smioe as a wavw pops out of the horizon she turns her Board and Paddles. I watch as the wave gets closer and Closer to her. I watch as she Digs into the water with so much force she puts her hand in the middle of the Board and she stands. I Squeeze Noah's hand again and she Slids Down and makes the wave. I Turn and Hug Noah in pure Excitement.

She cones up to the shore and Camera's surrounded us. I Cower Back into Noah and he Hugs me. And Dad tries to cover Beth up But she stops him.

"Honey what are you doing?," Mom says to Beth.

"What if Sam or Britney are watching," she says and i smile while Looking at her still hiding in Noah.

"Bethany if you could turn Back time and Do it Differently would you?," A reporter says.

"I wouldn't change what happened to me and Nick Because if we did we wouldn't have inspired so many people to Do what they thought they couldn't," she says and i smile and step out to stand next to Beth.

"Niether would i, why would i want to, we want to, we met so many wonderful People like Dakota he lives in Boston. He lost his leg and he tried out for Basket ball in a wheel chair, if that is Not strong and Worthy i don't know what is," i say and i hug Beth While she hugs Back. 

"So no we wouldn't," she says...

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