Me and Beth's day

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Today was me and Beth's day i am so excited and so was Beth she couldn't stand still but today i get the day with Beth so I woke up and jumped out of bed then landed on the floor.

"leg, Right," i say and i get dressed i go to Beth's room and saw her trying to tie her dress with one hand and i laugh."want help," i say and she nods.

"Please," she says and i tie her dress and we go to her favorite ice cream store and i get a oreo sunday and she gets a strawberry twist. We sit down at the table.

"Hey Nick," she says.

"whats up?," i say and she shrugs.

"um what should i do?," she says and i look at her funny.

"what do you mean Beth?," i say.

"never mind change subject so about you and Noah," she says wiggling her eyebrows.

"oh boy,"i say and she laughs.

"Details child details," she says and i Raise my eyebrow.

"child i'm nine months older than you and me and Noah are fine," i say and looks at me begging for More.

"please do tell," she says and i chuckle at her.

"okay fine Beth me and him are fine we haven't been talking much but we are okay i guess," i say but she looks at me unconvinced

"Niccasa Lavon i know you are lying," Beth says and i look down.

"we got into a fight yesterday and he hasn't talked to me at all since then," i say and she looks down then hugs me and i hug her back.

"He'll come back i promise," she says but i didn't believe her.

"can you promise me another thing," i say.

"anything," she says laying her head on my shoulder.

"can you promise me you will never give up surfing because i don't want you to, i can't surf anymore but when you surf i feel like i'm back in the water watching you surf and it makes me feel wonderful please Beth," i say and she nods and hugs me.

"okay enough of this gooey moment lets go get ice cream," she says and i Laugh.

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