Niccasa Lavon

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Today was the day. the surf competition I bet Bethany is just as excited as I am today I grab my gear and run into the car then everyone else quickly follows Noah brings his Camera like he does at every competition and Timmy he brings his food and water for me and Beth the first place we go to is the half pipe.

"hey kioki," I say.

"how goes it?," He asks

"nothin much," I say and he laughs

"Thursday night is a full moon if you guy's don't have anything better to do we're all going night surfing," he says.

"yeah cause we don't have nothin better to do," Beth says.

"see you then," I say and he nods smiling. "He so has a crush on you Beth," I say and I see a blush come to her cheeks.

"no he doesn't," She says and I look at her with a raised eyebrow and she giggles and looks down we head down to the beach and grab our boards and jump in the water we have six competitors.

in Orange Olivia Jenner

in Black Malena Burch

in Blue Bethany Hamilton

in Green Niccasa lavon

in white Navanie Bride

in pink Alana Blanchard.

it looks like we got nice waves and a nice hot spot first it was Alana with a nice carve off the top then a caved in finish then I was next I paddle as hard as I can then get up I caved then some water hit me and I lost my balance and flipped into the water  that wave hurt like crazy but I was cool and so was my board and when I came back up I got on my board and paddled to Alana and Bethany Bethany gave me a sympathetic look and I shrugged saying it was a sucky wave anyway and she laughs she sees a wave and goes for it but so did Malena what is her problem I swear she knew that was Bethany' s wave gosh they have a paddle battle but Bethany falls behind I put my head in my hands and breath heavily we go up to shore and see dad already there.

"Malena took my wave I had to Fish it," Bethany says.

"you shouldn't be focused on that what you should be focused on is diving into the water and Rip that paddle back okay alright take a rest.You thirsty what about you," says and I nod and smile we walk over to the family and mom pats my back and smiles at me I walk over to Noah and stand next to him he looks over at me and kisses me. After all that we get back in the water I paddle and sit next to or should I say floated next to Bethany I took a wave I paddled as hard as I could again  I got up and pulled off my 360 floater where I flip in the air and land I did it and landed perfectly back on the water I do a nice curve off the top then cave it then exit perfectly. I can hear the girls cheering my name I smile and jump in the water purposely. I watch as another paddle battle take place with the same two people Bethany and Malena Bethany takes the wave then finishes it in first place.

"yeah Bethany Represent!!," I say cheering next to Alana after that we go to shore and get our prizes. Alana got fourth place.

I got third.Malena got second. And Bethany got first after they announce the winners Bethany makes us all go onto the first place stool she trys to get Malena to go on with us but she just walked away with her trophy we walk over to the family and we get greeted and hugged then mom speaks up."girls there's some people down there you might want to meet," she says.

"they're the guys from Ripcurl," Alana' s Dad says.

"they want to uh sponsor all of you," dad says and we look at each other with pure Joy and give high fives.

"no way," we all say then after a while we go swim suit shopping Bethany picks up a one piece that looks like it's made for old people.

"How about this one?," she asks and I look at it funny.

"Nice if your a hundred," I say and Alana picks up a tinny swim suit.

"what About this," she says and Bethany takes  it.

"you kidding it looks like an eye patch," she says I take it and put it on my eye and say arrg.

"well I think it's hot," Alana says.

"I kinda agree with her on this Beth," I say.

"oh imagine if Noah seen you in this imagine what his face would look like he would fall at your feet I swear," Alana says again.

"one wipe out in that tiny thing you will be showing a lot more than your sick prize," Bethany says and I laugh.

"oo so much for so little," she says then smiles"good Thing it's on Ripcurl ," Alana says "yeah," we all say. 

"make sure to keep an eye on it unless you want it snaked out from under you," Bethany says and I laugh again.

"hey girls," a voice says behind us I look behind me to see Malena Burch oh great"you realise I'm gonna take you next time right," she says to Bethany.

"let's just let the surfing do the talking," Bethany says.

"everyday from now till Regionals when I'm in th  water training I'll be thinking of you  Hamilton," Malena says.

"creepy," I say and Malena glares at me.

"oh your the one with the hot boyfriend who knows maybe he wants a real girl," she says and I launch out at her but Bethany and Alana hold me back curse surfers and their strongness Uggg. I walk home before I can hear anymore. Well more like Run I don't know why but not only do I have a strange feeling inside my gut that tells me to watch Bethany but I also have tears streaming down my face those words really got to me I love Him with all my heart but the idea of us breaking up because of a bunch of girls I run home and run inside I run over to my room and close the door and I stay there then fall asleep I wake up in the morning still sleepy I hate that feeling I get up and brush my teeth I look out the window to see mom and Bethany talking about something. Night came faster than I thought I ran into Bethany' s Room and we climbed out the window and got into a truck we surfed for a little bit than started to relax then kioki tried to scare us with a mask but we all knew it was him.

"we all knew it was you," I say.

"liar," he says and I giggle he flips us off our boards then we do the same to him.

"it's almost Midnight,"kioki says me and Alana cheer but Bethany just sits there clueless then fireworks go off it was Beautiful...

soul surfer (My version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz