Noah and the Competition

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After the talk with dad Noah came in. he doesn't look happy is it me. Did I do something. I know I ran inside the house when he tried to help me but I couldn't help it not only am I terrified of paparazzi and reporters I can't handle people looking at me like that cause it makes me feel like a freak.

"Nick what was that why did you run into the house like that?," He asks then he looks at my leg and sees it.

"I didn't want anyone to stare at me surprised or disgusted," I say and he sits on my bed.

"nobody thinks of you in that way we all love you for you. But there's something I want to ask you... why aren't you surfing," Noah says and my eyes go wide I bolt to the Bathroom and grab a Bandage and then put it on and Noah follows closely."Niccasa Lavon what is going on!!," He yells and I flinch he never uses my first name like ever I look Down at my leg and see its already starting to bleed through."Nick why is your leg bleeding?," He asks.

"that's why I can't go surfing I want to but I can't I'm sorry I kept this from you but I had to I didn't want to ruin Beth's Happiness by my leg so I kept it a secret," i say.

"you wouldn't of ruined it you would have made it better by her knowing you are going to be okay," he says and I nod knowing that he is right I get up. hug him and pull back then kiss him while he kisses me he also carries me to my room and lays me down on my bed then turns to leave. 

"Noah," I say and he stops then looks at me."Can you lay down here with me?," I ask and he nods and crawls into bed with me then turns to face me I corest his cheek and look into his eyes then shortly after I fall asleep.

soul surfer (My version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora