"What should we name it?" He gets down onto the floor in front of you and pets the dog but it's eyes were fixated on the food in your hand.

"Sparky?" He looks closer to the dogs fur to see it had a few hairs that were white.

"Looks like your new name is Sparky, huh?" You gently put your hand under his jaw and he barks at you as he wags his tail. You give him the treat and he eats it happily. "It's a shame this isn't real." You frown when you stroke Sparky's head.

"It's alright. If you want, we can get a dog?" He puts his hand on your shin and you look up at him.

"That's if we get out of here." He sighs and clenches his jaw.

"We're going to get out of here, I know it. Tony and Bruce are probably figuring out something right as we speak. If they can't do anything about it I know you will be able to fix this. You always find a way to get us out of these situations." Your heart hurts and tears threaten your eyes.

"But what if I don't." You mutter when your throat hurts from refusing to cry.

"There's no buts," he moves closer to you when Sparky gets up from your lap and walks around the room, "I believe in you Y/N, you're the strongest person I know. Not just physically but mentally, we can get through this, together." He cups your face and a tear escapes your eye, he wipes it away and gives you a reassuring smile.

"I love you Bucky. I don't want to lose you." A sob comes from your lips and he pulls you into his arms, you move around so you could curl into his chest.

"You will never lose me. I love you." He kisses your forehead and you hold onto him, you weren't going to let him go. You shut your eyes tight and lights flash, a dark image shows itself, blood dripping from stone and candles surrounding the room. Screaming and crying from every corner sounded familiar, your body twitches and you see tears on someone's face, it was your face, you were crying and screaming while being dragged away with force. "Y/N? Y/N!" Bucky calls out to you when you started to grow restless in his arms, your eyes shoot open with a screech from your mouth. "What is it? What happened?" He asks and you sit up straight.

"It's them. It's-... now... right now, where we are. This time. I think... I think they're trying to show me something." You say out of breath, you jump up but everything spins, you hold your head and shut your eyes.

"Hey, it's ok. Take it easy. What are you talking about, doll?" He gently holds your shoulders as you slowly regain yourself.

"What's today?" You look around and Bucky follows your line of sight.

"I don't know." His brows furrow and you see a page nailed to the wall. You walk over to it and look at it.

"We need to go, come with me." You run to the door and grab Bucky's wrists.

"Where are we going? I'm so confused." He whines and you look back into the room before shutting the door.

"Be a good dog, ok?" Sparky wags his tail and jumps onto the bed, he lays down and shuts his eyes. You smile and close the door.

"What are we doing?" He asks when you grab his wrists again.

"You'll see." You take him out onto the dirt road, thunder roared in the distance and you took a deep breath. "You can do this Y/N. You're Yaclorian." You mumble to yourself, you turn around and take Bucky's hands in yours tightly. You close your eyes and concentrate. You can do it, think hard. Think clearly. You feel a tingling sensation through your body and you instantly feel lighter, Bucky's hands slowly went cold and you held onto him tighter. Think clearer! You imagine crowds, rain, and a ceremony. A breeze picks up around you before you shoot your eyes open, you were in an empty street with tall wooden buildings that had shops below and homes above. "I did it!" You jump in excitement.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now