Chapter 3 ~ The cold truth.

Start from the beginning

     We ended up at a quaint little coffee shop not to far from the station, we got only drinks and sat at a table near the window and far from the other couple in the shop.

Jerome sighed staring at his coffee with a frown on his face, I watch him and frown too wishing I could help but knowing how hard the loss of a parent it there is not much you can do to fill the void that will always be in your heart, though I hope I can help him at least in the same way he's helping me because without him I doubt I could last. I can't describe the feeling I get around him it's like all my worries and pain stops and I'm just wrapped up into his intoxicating presence, I'm calmer, I feel safe and not alone. I know I shouldn't be so dependent on him but I can't help it, I'm addicted to the man named Jerome Valeska and even if I die because of this addiction I'd die again and again no matter what.

After a bit he speaks up "I'm sorry Carmen."

"It's not your fault" I say frowning more. "I know it is hard but you can't blame yourself"


"Yeah ginger?"

"I'm sorry anyway, for what's to come" he says looking at me then out the window, placing his hand on the table.

I place mine on top of his "what do you mean?"

"I ki-" before he could continue his phone rang in his pocket, he took it out in confusion and answered "hello, this is Jerome Valeska."

    I waited and watched as his face became more confused and worried?

"Ok thank you, we'll be there soon." He then hung up and looked at me "they found out who the killer is."

"Already?" I gasped standing up shocked as he does. Jerome and I grabbed his coat and my cloak.

"Let's go see this bastard then" I growled and took Jerome's hand in mine and he chuckled at my growl obviously not intimidated, we then paid and went back to the station.


Once we got to the station they took us into the interrogation room again, this time together. Jim, the women from earlier who I learned is named lee and Mr.Cicero? He told my fortune once why would he be here? Odd...

"Hi, Jerome and Carmen, please take a seat." Jim greeted us.

Jerome sat beside Mr.Cicero while I sat at the end of the table between the three. Lee stood behind Jim watching us, we smiled at each other yet again politely.

"I believe you know Mr.Cicero Jerome." Jim says.

"Yes sir" while Jerome turns towards Mr.Cicero he grabs my hand with his shaky one "hello, Mr.Cicero"

"Good evening, Jerome." He replies looking straight on, if I remember correctly he's blind.

"Do you know why you're here?" Jim asks looking between Jerome and Mr.Cicero.

I shake my head in confusion, I have no clue what's happening. Jim looks at me with pity? Why?

"Did you find out who killed my mother?" Jerome asks leaning forward, eager to know.

"You killed your mother Jerome."

My heart stopped, there's no way Jerome could be capable of that. No absolute way. It must be a problem. They HAVE to be wrong.

"M-me?" Jerome stutters, shocked.

"You killed her up on that hill, and Mr.Cicero let you clean up in his trailer." Jim looked him dead in the eye "he told you to scratch that satanist stuff on the hatchet and throw it off the bridge."

I N S A N I T Y (J.Valeska/Joker)Where stories live. Discover now