"There doesn' appear ta be anythin' down there Cap'n" Stated one crew member, after a still moment, he looked across to Captain Axel Dieter for an answer whom gestured for silence in response to the man as he continued to curiously search the water with his sharp emerald eyes. 

From where I stood loosely hugging the post, finally unleashed from the ropes clutches, I could see that there were no visibly angry ridges obscurely protruding from where the torches light touched. I was also able to see that the walls of the cavern were much too far to be a threat to the ship.

Captain Axel Dieter then moved from the ships side and then carefully made his way to the front of the Wenches Bed to survey whether the obstruction was present there as the Wenches Bed continued to bob on the waters surface. As Captain Axel Dieter continued to cautiously move along the ships side, his crew scuttled close by in a herd. "Spread out!" Captain Axel Dieter growled with irritation, flinging his right arm in they're direction. The crew members then sprinted to all different locations across the ship as everyone's heads were firmly situated abroad the ship, except mine of course. "And somebody, guard that door!" Captain Axel Dieter yelled with force as one of the larger crew members hastily lumbered by me to 'the door.' 

Then, all of a sudden, the Wenches Bed had unexpectedly leaped into the air as crew members had begun to fly overboard the Wenches Bed, and as the ship had heavily landed back onto the waters surface, Captain Axel Dieter's form catapulted overboard. 

The scarce amounts of crew members that had luckily managed to stay on board the ship sprinted toward the front of the ship in a frantic cluster, as the Wenches Bed continued to violently quake and groan from the anxious waves below. 




After the Captain fell overboard, some of his men had then decided to dedicate they're time to searching for Captain Axel Dieter by frantically surveying the water, which seemed rather difficult considering a grand big wave would introduce itself half the time and smack them to the other side of the ship. Whilst others were desperately bending over collecting water into buckets and then hurtling its contents overboard, which seemed like a pointless task due to the fact that every second a wave of water would dump its contents onto the main deck. 

And as for me, I was positioned exactly in the middle of the ship, out of the midst of the chaos as I was conveniently forgotten.

That was, until, a frantic stocky looking man had stampeded toward my direction with two buckets in hand. He roughly shoved one of the buckets into my chest and had begun to yell at me with demands as he frantically threw his hand in the air, but I couldn't focus, not when a large beasts head had then abruptly appeared in my sights as it escaped free from the depths of the water. 

It's surface was a mixture of a tinged green mixed with a penetrating sapphire that decorated across its form. As well as the creatures surface, the beasts form was as if it were a distant relative of a serpent, as it had a long narrow revolving body, that sent torpedo's of water to be throttled toward any which way. Its head was colossal, with long frills extending on either side as well as nasty features to decorate its face. It's jaw looked as if it could easily split my form into two with very little effort needed and its teeth were largely numbered as each were double the size of myself with sharp points at they're ends.

I began to tremble at the sight of such a frightful creature, so hideously frightening, my fear causing me to release the bucket from my grasp. The stocky man had then ceased drowning me with his demands after I had abruptly released the bucket from my grip but he then understood why I had when he turned around to face the creature and as soon as he saw the beast he looked as if he were about to pass out.

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