"Sue if I get decapitated."

"Sue if I get decapitated."

"Thank you."

Dean opened the sunroof, and Gabriel and Jo climbed over everyone so that they could stand up and lean out the sunroof.

"Take us away, Deano!" Gabe called.

"Where to?" Dean questioned.

"Walmart!" Charlie bellowed.

"Wait, why Walmart?" Cas raised an eyebrow.


"Walmart it is," Dean grinned.

And off they went.


Charlie's playlist of party music followed them as the group ran wild through Walmart, eating pixie sticks and other candy Gabe just happened to have, shaking up soda  and watching them explode in the aisle.

Somehow, Gabriel and Sam got a sprinkler working in the store, and they ran around, spraying water at people and laughing. Crowley was dressed up like a king, fit with a plastic crown, and sent flying down the length of the store in a shopping cart.

They launched themselves down aisles in rolling chairs with fire extinguishers, and laughed harder then ever.

They wrecked havoc in the store, managers and employees chasing after them until they finally fled from the store with everything they could carry.

They walked out of Walmart in style, as Thrift Shop blasted from Charlie's iPod.

Gabriel was pushing a shopping cart, which Sam was lounging in, a pair of cheap sunglasses on. Cas was covered in a mixture of soda and pixie stick sugar, and there were bits of stuffed animal fur in his hair. He wasn't quite sure how it had gotten there. Charlie was half drenched in silly string, and splitting a Popsicle with Jo, who now had a wreath of fake flowers in her hair. Crowley's crown was on crooked, and he had one of the fire extinguishers slung over his shoulder, just in case.

"Who knew Walmart could be so fun?" Jo asked, licking the Popsicle.

"I knew." Charlie declared. "Somebody else pick where we're going next."

"The Scorpion." Crowley said vaguely.

"Is that a drug den?" Dean questioned.

"No, squirrel, it's a night club."

"I'm in." 

So they took off again, driving a little faster when they saw a police car heading for Walmart.


The club was dark, lit by strobe lights, neon colors, and thumping music. Crowley somehow got them drinks, alcohol free, he said, although they knew he lied.

Charlie was positive that people were snorting cocaine in the corner, but she ignored that and dragged Cas over to a face painting stand. 

Ten minutes later, they were all covered in paint and out of their minds.

Gabriel was on a table, shirtless, and dancing like a Magic Mike impersonator while Sam laughed and threw one dollar bills at him.

Cas, who was definitely a lightweight, was buzzed and had rainbow paint all over his hair as he bounced around the dance floor with Dean, who was grinning his face off and trying to keep Cas from falling on his face.

Charlie and Jo were having a dance fight on the bar top, pink battle stripes lining their faces.

And Crowley sat comfortably at the bar, watching him friends and sipping a fruity cocktail with a smirk.

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