Chapter 17

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"Destroy the timeline?" I echoed.

"I was ordered by Atlus to eavesdrop on the conversation after you two left." She explained quickly. "The Reds and Blues and Carolina decided that they were going to go back in time to stop him getting shot." She flickers at Wash, if I didn't understand who she was talking about.

"And that's bad.. why?" Wash questions. "Because I prefer not to have been shot in the first place."

"IT MESSES UP THE TIMELINE!!" Huggins flies rapidly around the room, causing me and Was to duck a few times. "Without you being shot, the Reds and Blues wouldn't have time traveled. And if they didn't time travel, key elements from the past wouldn't of happen leading to a different future!!"

"Like that one mission with the Dakota twins? The mission was compromised because a guy came in with.." My voice falters as I realized the problem. "Two hot chocolates."

"Caboose." Wash slightly laughs. "Who would of thought that the mission would be compromised by Caboose?"

"It was because of him that security step up in the Insurrectionists base. Made it harder for Freelancers to complete the mission and eventually put the Project on UNSC's bad guy list." The light adds.

"Ok.. but what do you need me to do?" I ask.

She stops moving around and says. "I need you to shoot Wash."

"WHAT?!" I stepped from Wash in shock and walked towards the window. Wash seemed surprised too by her request. "The heck do you want her to do that? Why not Carolina?" He looks at me (who was definitely not taking in the news very well) with concern.

"You know Carolina: she won't listen to anyone once she's made up her mind." Huggins says sadly. "If I were to try to talk her out of it, she wouldn't listen to me. None of them would. Maybe besides Grif.."

"That doesn't explain WHY I HAVE TO DO IT." I start pacing back and forth as my mind starts buzzing.

Wash wasn't shot by a soldier. He was shot by a future version of me. ME. I caused his pain. His suffering..

"Tiger.." Wash tries to calm me down but I ignore him and shake my head. "Nope. Nu-huh. Nada. Never. No."

"Please Alaska, I heard you have the best aim of the group." Huggins begged.


"Abby." Wash holds me firmly on the shoulders, finally gaining my attention.

"What." I snapped.

"Do it."

"You want me to shoot you?!" Is he crazy?! "I might second Dr. Grey about you hallucinating again.."

He tightens his grip on me. "Just listen to me ok?"


"You've seen the results of the shot. My head gets messed up but eventually, I get better, almost back to normal." He searches my eyes. "Would you rather have that, or whatever alternate reality that comes when you do nothing?"

Tears fall from my eyes. "I don't want to be the reason for all your pain." I sobbed, turning my head away from him. Wash sighs and lifts my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I will never blame you for this." He promises. "You do what you have to do for us."


"Time is running out!!" Huggins interrupts. "We have to go now!!"

"Hey, it's going to be ok. WE'RE going to be ok." He wipes the tear stains away from my face. "I give you permission to punch Tucker if you go." He offers.

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