Chapter 15

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"Aren't you two supposed to be with the others discussing about the mission?" Atlus questioned.

Wash and I managed to find the way back to the throne room of the A.I. gods. Lucky for us, they were still there and debating about if pineapples are allowed on pizza.

Which doesn't make sense because they are A.I. They can't eat food.

"We were hoping you could make us a portal back to Jax's studio." Wash answers.

The gods look at each other. "You realized that entering the throne room without a good reason will result in death." Kalirama states.

This took a dark turn..

"Well.. you see.. uh.." Wash nudges my arm to talk and I can only roll my eyes. Leave it to him and York for always putting me on the spot.

"The planet we saved from a civil war is about to be invaded by Covenant, an alien race wanting to destroyed Humans." I explained. "My brother told me that there was already a small recon team trying to gather data on Chorus' defenses and we don't know if there's anymore on the way."

"Wait since when was the Covenant was that big  of a problem?" Wash exclaims, clearly not expecting that kind of reason. "All I heard was possible. NOT confirmed."

"I got the word right before we came here about the recon team. Other than that, I just suspected since Chorus is filled with alien artifacts."

"But the war ended years ago." He says. "Why attack now-"

A cough sounded from one of the gods, ending our conversation.

"We can see that this is.. urgent on your case." Atlus looks at Burnstorm and Genkins. "You two are dismissed."

"Time to post more spoilers on YouTube!!" Genkins gleefully says. "The next one, the Covenant attacks Chorus!!"

Burnstorm says nothing and walks out of the throne room with Genkins following very closely behind him.

The queen waits til she is sure both of them has left and asks. "Is it wise for you to leave and let your friends decide the fate of the universe without your consent? They seem-"

"Stupid?" I offered.

"I was going to say uneducated but yes stupid works too."

"Well, with my experience with them, they know what they're doing as long as they have an objective at the end." Wash says confidently. "I trust them with my life."

The king and queen share a glance before coming to a decision.

"Very well. We will do as you wish." Atlus creates a purple portal a few feet from our right. "This will take you straight back to Chorus."

"Is there a way we can go back to Jax's studio?" I ask hopefully.

"Who's Jax?"

"The guy you smited through the portal."

"Oh him.." Atlus closes the portal and opens a new one. "Just do me a favor and give me my weapon back."

"No problem." Wash replies.

We both walk through the portal and we're back on the beach near Jax's studio. Wash rips off his helmet and takes a gasp of air. "I.. hate.. portals.."

"Oh don't be a baby." I say, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Hey hey hey! You're back!"

Jax walks up to us, in his normal cheery mood. He didn't seem like he was hurt very badly. He had an arm in a sling but that's it.

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