Chapter 5

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"Wash come on, do you really expect me not to train when I'm on break?"

"No, but not 6 hours after recovering in a doctor's office."

Wash and I were on our way to my apartment and he asked why I was training during our break.

What I told him: I don't want to lose my skills.

My real reason: I needed to relax from all the problems in the world in the form of shooting something.

I punch Wash in the arm. "I thought that after knowing me for a few years, you would know that I would be the person to do that."

He holds the spot where I punched him. I don't ever punch anyone that hard ok? He likes to exaggerate the things I do to him. "True but you're also the person who likes to sit around too."

I open my mouth to say something but then I closed it again because he's right: I also like sitting around, playing video games or reading a book.

"Cat got your tongue?" Wash smirks.

I punch him in the arm again. "Shut up."


The rest of the day went without a hitch and was quite peaceful. After dropping my stuff at our apartment (yes I said "our" because SOMEONE decided that it would be ok for him to move into the spare bedroom I had without telling me), we met up with Carolina for lunch. After that, we all just walked and talked around New Armonia til dusk. We had dinner at a Steakhouse and then headed home.

Now Wash and I are watching a horror movie on the couch. Wash's arm was wrapped around me and I had my head on his chest.

Now I'm not big on horror movies and Wash knows this. I'm actually ready to fall asleep if I'm honest. But I don't say anything because I don't want to feel bad or-

"You ok?" Wash asks, making me snap out of my current thought.

"I'm fine." I assured him before looking at the Slenderman on the TV screen. "Just.. not really into the movie."

Wash gives me a questioning look. "Isn't the horror genre your favorite?"

"Um no. It's Action." I say.

I hear him curse under his breath, making me concerned. I sat up so that I can see his face. "David, it's ok-"

"No. It's not ok." He says angrily. "I keep forgetting things that I used to know. Sometimes.. I don't even realize that I have forgotten."

"Dr. Gray said that it's a side effect from the shock." I explain.

"Is it now?" He asks in disbelief.

"She said that it will clear up soon but no clue when. It's all part of the recovery."

He just sighs and says quietly, "I just don't want to wake up one day and forget you."

I just snuggle close to him and say, "You won't forget me."

As much as I want to believe what I just said, it's clear that he has already forgotten some things about me that he usually remembers. But only small things and the nickname he gave me back in the Project.

I just hope that he will recover soon so that I can have my Wash back.


"So what happened exactly?" I asked Carolina.

It's been a couple of days after Wash's episode at our apartment. Apparently Wash has been having a few memory gaps lately and this morning, one of the beams broke causing him to fall on the training course.

"I told him about the training course we found." Carolina says. "He told me to show him and I did. Apparently he wanted to do more than just see the training course."

"He wanted to run the course I'm assuming?"

"Yes. I tried to tell him that he shouldn't since he was still recovering but he didn't listen and started running the course. Soon it became a competition and that's when the accident happened. But when he got up, he blamed me for.. being competitive and that I should of waited for him to recover."

I shake my head. "This recovery is taking much longer than I expected."

"Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever recover.."

I give Carolina a sharp look. "Wash will recover. Just because he's in bad shape now, doesn't determine anything."

"I-I'm sorry 'laska." Carolina apologized, realizing how upset I was about the situation. "I'm just worried."

I sigh. "Me too.."

"Agent Alaska. Agent Carolina."

Carolina and I turn around and find one of Kimball's soldiers standing at attention.

"What do you need soldier?" I asked.

He shuffles his feet. "Uh, President Kimball wants to see you. Both of you."

Carolina and I share a glance. "Alright. Tell her we will be there shortly." Carolina tells him.

"Yes ma'am." He jogs off back to Kimball to report what we said.

"I wonder what this is gonna be about." I wondered as we hiked through New Armonia.

"Maybe she needs us to run drills for her army?" She suggests.

"Maybe.. fancy new upgrades?" I add.

"That's most-likely the case because someone keeps getting shot." She looks at me and I stick out my tongue at her.

We continue debating what Kimball wants til we reach the front of her office. She was waiting their for us, with an excited look on her face.

"I don't know if I should be scared or excited that you look excited." I commented to Kimball.

"I think you should feel excited. Carolina too." She answers.

"We'll.. see about that." Carolina says. "So what do you need?"

"I don't need anything," She explains. "But someone in my office want to meet you two."

Carolina and I shared a concerned look. "Um.. ok?" Carolina confusingly responds.

Kimball opens the door and leads us in.

Almost immediately, I knew who the person was. Carolina knew too.

Brown hair.

A scar across with left eye.

Cocky grin.

"York?" I asked hesitantly.

"Hey kid sister." He greets with his cocky smile. "Missed me?"

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