Chapter 14

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We warped to a private room somewhere in StarSeed. Everyone yells in shock and Simmons vomits inside his helmet. I'm used to jumping around because of my enhancement so it didn't really bother me at all.

"Oh God, its in my helmet!" Simmons yelled.

"I guess this is to give us some privacy?" Kaikaina says.

"So, what do we think?" Carolina asks.

Sarge laughs. "I agree! Powerful name."

"The fight?" Carolina pressed.

"Can't we just go back and stop ourselves from time travelling in the first place?" Simmons suggests.

"Didn't Jax say that's a paradox?" I ask.

"Can we go back and stop Jax from saying that?" Tucker asks.

"You're in denial. Guys, the Reds and Blues did their best." Wash says simply.

"Reds especially." Sarge adds.

"And its only by doing our best, our absolute best and failing that we can ever truly know exactly how much we suck."

"Uh.." I look at Wash in confusion.

"You messed up," He continues. "We all have regrets. Lost friends we'd like to have around. Things we'd take back."

I see some of the Red and Blues drop their heads. Wash is saying some deep stuff right now..

"But these time guns can't fix us. You use them to relieve guilt, right wrongs, to avoid responsibility. But the past is done. Do better now, be better now. Now is the only time that's every mattered. Ask yourself, do I make bad decisions? How can I do better?Who do I want to be?"

"Wash, it's selfish not to time travel." Tucker states. "Are you saying you wouldn't go back and stop yourself from hurting people?"

"Mistakes are the dirt we grow from Tucker." He replies. "In the end, you can't argue with cause and effect. You made a mess, you need to clean it up."

Grif sighs. "Yeah, that's the right thing to do."

"Well heck, the whole reason I joined the military was to win a battle against god himself." Sarge says.

"Yeah!" Simmons agreed.

"Let's take a swing at it!" Caboose says holding his golf club.

"He did it, good form!" Grif praises Caboose.

"And you're not alone," Wash continues. "This ain't my mess but I'm in to help fix it. No matter where it takes us, you can count on me to fight alongside you."

"No. You're not coming."

Everyone looks at Carolina in confusion.

"Everything you just said," She shakes her head. "I should've told you Wash, I can't believe I let it get this far I-"

"Whoa, slow down. It's alright." He assures her.

"It's not. It's really, really not. You can't come, you can't fight."

"Carolina, it's me your talking to."

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