Chapter 11

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I walked along the beach alone near the set, trying get away from the acting and to understand the story Carolina told me a few hours ago. The Reds and Blues got time travel guns from Donut and are now creating havoc in the past.

Seems far-fetched if you ask me. There's no way that anyone could create a gun that can send you back in time. That's all Quantum Physics and other stuff that I don't think scientists made advances like that in yet. Only SlipSpace.

"Beta, is it possible to travel in time?" I look out towards the calm waters, wishing things were just as calm.

"I'm not sure." She admits, appearing on her normal spot on my shoulder. "ONI has managed to do many things but time travel.." Her voice changes from informative to curiosity and she pulls up a personal datapad.

"Is something wrong?" Surely there isn't anything or anyone bad out here. It's just a filming studio..

"Unknown energy readings detected." Beta says urgently.

My senses go on high alert and I quickly pull out my SMGs."Where."

"78 feet, 12 o'clock."

I slowly inch towards the given location of said energy, not knowing what would happen as I get closer. I don't see anything out of the ordinary yet which makes me wonder if it's just Beta's messed up programing.

"There's nothing here Beta." I secure my SMGs back on their holsters and relax. "Are you sure your not just having a-"

"No I'm not and yes I'm sure." She says forcefully.

"Fine ok. But just run a diagnostic-"

A purple portal appears in front of me and Tucker, Kaikaina, and Grif comes out of portal. It then closes without a sound.

"You were saying?" Beta smirks.

"I don't believe it..." I mutter to myself. The Reds and Blue are, or were, really back in time.

"Hey Alaska!" Grif greets me like everything was normal.

"Hey yourself. What's going on?" I ask curiously.

"We'll explain once we get everyone here." Tucker says. "Sister, go get Wash and Carolina. Grif, go get the Reds and Caboose."

Both of them nod and run off to find out friends, leaving me alone with Tucker.

"So.. what point in time did you go to?" I ask him, hoping that he will tell me something."

"We got stuck in the medieval times and I became the King of England." He replies proudly.

"Medieval England? Didn't like the French invade Camelot somewhere during that time?"

"Uh.. no.."

I'll take that as a yes.

Grif comes back with the Reds and Caboose and started a conversation with Simmons about Sword puns. Kaikaina, Wash, and Carolina arrived a few minutes later with Jax and a few crew members.

"Hey." Wash greets us.

"Hey!" Tucker says back.

Agent Alaska: The Coming War (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now