Chapter 12

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"So what you're saying is, your friends that I have never met, managed to travel through time..?"

"They didn't managed. One of them, Donut, gave them time machines to escape a god. How he got the machines, I don't know." I glance over at the Crew as Jax interviewed each one of them. "How are things on Chorus?" I ask, changing the subject.

"We found a Covenant recon crew two days ago. Two Elites and a half a dozen Grunts. Dylan was the one who found them. He got the data from their ship and it's in the process of decoding."

"That's.. news."

"Dylan wants you to come back to Chorus. Thinks with the help of an A.I. the process will be a lot quicker."

"It might, but I have no idea when I'll be back. Grif, Tucker, and Kaikaina wants us to talk with these gods."

"Low-key, I wish I was there to see that."

"I don't really think it will be that interesting." I reply. "Probably just a warning to stop using the time machine before they mess up the future."

"Eh, that's probably the case."

"HEY ALASKA, WE'RE DONE AND HEADING TO JAX'S OFFICE." Tucker yells from across the beach.

"I'll meet y'all over there!" I yelled back.

"Guessing you have to go and save the universe again?"

I sigh. "We'll see."


Everyone was gathered around a covered whiteboard in Jax's office. The Blues are lined up on the left, the Reds and Sister on the right. I take my usual place besides Wash and Carolina as Jax begins to explain his discovery.

"All right, here's what I got, everyone: the final verdict. Time travel has backfired every time that it was used to fix a personal mistake: to repair pride, embarrassment, the loss of something valuable. However, that doesn't mean that time travel is a monkey's paw, some thing that will always backfire! Case in point: I've been using Sarge's time machine for weeks with no negative consequences!"

"Uh, what?" Sarge says, confused.

"Time travel isn't good or bad! Now, in terms of our unified timeline..." He pulls the cloth off the whiteboard and the Reds and Blues pointed out.. something that I'm not gonna even talk about.

"Great. Now that we've gotten all that out, it's time we stop spinning our wheels. I for one vote we go meet with the gods and talk this through." Grif says seriously.

"If Grif thinks it's a good idea, I'm in." Simmons pauses. "...Euh, can't believe I just said that without sarcasm."

"Yeah, I'm waiting to hear back about a job, but uh, yeah okay." Caboose agrees without understanding.

"I still have questions." Wash says. "Mainly, what does any of this have to do with finding Church?"

A confused pause spread through the group.

"What?" Tucker asks.

"His distress call." Wash explains. "The 'Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi' message? That's the whole reason we're here. What do gods have to do with Church?"

"That was a different thing." Simmons points out.

"He's kidding! Right Wash? Just... pointing out how absurd this is?" Carolina jumps in randomly as if she was trying to cover up something.

Wash shakes his head and replies. "Right."

"Anyway, if we're going to meet these gods, we must be prepared." Carolina goes on. "I want everyone to gear up and meet by the beach at 1600. From there, we'll use the time travel guns to go meet the gods. Sync?"

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