I had lost him, maybe forever. What was going to happen now? The memories of our relationship vanished in the air as if nothing had ever happened. Would we ever make it to the altar? This last question made me feel a strong pain in the chest.

After a while I was capable of moving my extremities and to seat. Pressing a small red button situated next to the bed, the same nurse I scared some days ago appeared.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Yes. I want to have a word with Dr. Whale. Now" I tried to sound angry, with an authorial voice like Regina's. I guess I managed to do it, because the doctor arrived faster than I expected. I could see he was trying to dissimulate his nervousness.

"Emma, are you feeling better?"

"I don't think that's a really good question to start this conversation"

"I'm sorry"

"Just explain me what's going on with him"

"Killian suffered the impact in his brain, which caused the loss of his memory. I have explained him it will improve with time but-"

"There's a chance it doesn't" I interrupted.


"So what are you gonna do?" I stood up, impatient to hear what he had to say.

"I can do nothing, Emma. It's up to him" he stared at the floor for some seconds and then turned his nervous gaze to me again "You can help him, though"


"Showing him some pictures, taking a walk around Storybrooke, telling him your story, all little by little. You will need to have patience. His memory won't come back in a minute." That was the last thing I wanted to hear. Somehow, it gave me a brilliant idea.

"Perhaps it can"


"Mr. Gold" I said. I rushed out the room and there was the person I was looking for, like if he had heard me calling him.

"Miss Swan. I see you're doing better."

"Actually I'm not" I said a bit aggressive "Due to the accident Killian lost his memories and doesn't remember a single thing" It was a tough thing to accept and say. The small smile on his face disappeared.

"I'm really sorry, I had no idea"

"I have magic, but it's not so strong yet so I need your help. I need you to make a potion so he can get his memories back"

Mr. Gold stared at me and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I can't help you, dearie"

"But-What's your price? I'm willing to pay whatever it's necessary"

"This is not about the price. I just can't make a potion because it won't work"

"Of course it can! When I was in New York and I drank that potion it made me remember"

"It's not the same situation. You lost your memories because Regina created you new ones with-"


"Exactly. However, Killian's incident wasn't caused by it. Magic can fight against magic. But it can't deal with nature"

"You're lying! You must have a solution!" I was yelling once more. Mary Margaret and David came to the rescue.

"Emma, please!" She said "Listen to Dr. Whale. You can help Killian remember who he is with pictures and stuff like that. But don't begin an unnecessary fight. Ok?"

David grabbed my arm, giving me a 'listen to your mom' look.

"I'm sorry Gold. It wasn't my intention"

"Worry not. I've been through that situation before and I know how you feel"

I inhaled deeply. The doctor might be right. If I showed Killian how his life was his memories could improve with time. It was the only available option. I had to try.

There was a big pain inside of me, as if someone was squeezing my heart. Nonetheless I was sure about one thing: I was not going to give up on Killian.


Hey guys! It would be amazing if you commented if you're liking the fic so far. I apologize if my vocabulary/grammar is not the best, English isn't my first language ;)

I'd like to give a shoutout to Fxllout and MxryMargaret. You ROCK!! :D

Thanks for reading!! (40 days left til Season 4 OMFG!!)

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