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I can't believe I almost did that. How could I be so stupid. I looked over at him. Adrien. My Adrien. I spent months fighting for him to be mine, and even though we're closer than we've ever been, why does the goal seem so much farther now?

"I.. I can give up my miraculous." Adrien suggested sadly.

"No!" I started.

"You can't do that." I heard a voice say. I took me a minute to register it, but I soon identified it as Plagg.

"You 2 are the protectors of Paris. You can't just give that up because of your feelings. Master Fu picked you because you were the most qualified. You can't just throw that away!" Tikki said.

I looked at Adrien. They were right. We couldn't give them up. We would have to fight through whatever we were feeling, I just didn't know how.

"Marinette!" I heard my fathers voice ring through the house.

"Hide!" I said quickly as I pushed him behind the potted plant.

I saw my mother and fathers figure pop out of the hatch of my balcony.

"Marinette, can we talk to you?" My mother asked.

I shrugged my shoulders as they squeezed through the small door.

"I know we didn't exactly get off on the right foot earlier today, but you need to see our side of things. We send you to school to be safe and get an education, but how we can assure that when you're always leaving school. Or being tardy. Or skipping class. It's just getting to be too much Marinette." My father said.

"Ya, I know. There's a lot going on and I promise I'll be better about it but please let me go back to school! My friends are there! I want to be able to learn more." I pleaded.

"Well, your father and I discussed it, and we want to give you one more chance. But we mean it Marinette, no more of this. Next time you're out of school."

"Thank you!" I said happily as I jumped into an embrace.

They smiled as they went back downstairs, and I ran over to Adrien.

"They're letting me go back to school!" I said giddily.

"Well, at least one of our families is letting us go to school."

"Wait.. your father..?"

"Yep, I'm back to being homeschooled, and I don't really think that I'm convincing him to let me come back."

"But.. but why now? We can make this work.. we can.." I was always the one with the plans, but nothing was coming to me right now.

"It's ok Milady. We'll work something out. I promise."

He embraced me in a hug, and for that second, it truly felt like everything was all right.


I wish I could stay there forever, Marinette in my arms. But, life has a funny way of changing all your plans for you.

"I have to go." I said sadly

"We'll work something out. I promise." Marinette said to me.

I kissed her on the cheek as I slowly descended down her balcony. Sure, I almost crashed to the floor several times, but I was trying to stall on my way home.
The air in Paris was cold, and the happiness I was feeling couldn't compete against the negative emotions. I walked slowly among the streets of Paris. My head was racing. All this time she had been right there and I haven't even noticed. I couldn't believe how oblivious I was. What's next, I've know hawkmoth this whole time too?

I sighed as I reached the gates of my house. I waited for the familiar sound of the intercom and walked slowly through my front door. When I walked in, my father was waiting at the top of the steps.

"Adrien, what happened?"

"You.. you never listen to me. You don't even care enough to come to dinner."

"I don't care about you? Everything I'm doing is for you Adrien!"

"Shutting yourself away? Working all hours of the day? How is that for me?"

"You will not speak on what you don't know! Go to your room. Your lessons with Natalie will start up again at 8 in the morning!"

I stormed up to my room, hitting shoulders with my father as I walked up the stairs. I slammed the door behind me and sat down on my bed.

"Are you ok?" Plagg said sadly.

"Ya, I'm perfect."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now