Epilogue 2

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The halls felt like emptiness. I thought they would be warped with hatred and regret, but the hallway was inexplicably quiet. Marinette's hand in mine kept me steady, but the eerie silence was making me falter.

I could do this, I had repeated to myself over and over again.

I was doing great. Nino's family took me in, I had the best girlfriend in the world and Paris was safe. I should've been thriving.

But the smallest part of me wished we had never found out. My father wasn't a good man, but he was mine. The only family I had left was gone, and nothing could fill that hole, no matter how hard I tried.

"Mr. Agreste. Ms. Dupain-Cheng." A man in a uniform said, ushering us to a small room. "Gabriel is waiting for you."

My hands were turning sweaty, but still she held on tight. I was glad she did as we walked through the room and I became face to face with my father.

I thought anger would be my first response. He had tried to kill me after all, but there was nothing. There was no sadness at his disheveled state or despair for the loss of my family. For the first time in months, I felt a strange calm.

"Hello Gabriel." I said as I sat across from him, Marinette following suit.

"Marinette. Adrien." He said, not even offering a greeting.

Then the silence came once again. My father couldn't even look me in the eyes. No apology or remorse. No anger or overdue speeches. Just a broken man in hand cuffs. He wasn't super at all.

"We buried mom," I finally said, breaking that quiet. "I moved in with my friend, Marinette is my girlfriend, I aced my history exam last week, we still patrol Paris every night, even though there isn't much of a need and for the first time in years, I finally feel free."

Still, my father couldn't even manage a look in my direction.

"That's my life, Gabriel. I don't know why I thought you would care, but the smallest part of me just wants to believe my own father would want to hear about my life."


"You know, I dreaded today. I thought I would shout or cry or lose my mind, but none of that is going to happen. You wanna know why?" I continued.


"Because you lost everything. Everything you worked for is gone. Me? I still have everything I once had. My mom is still dead and my dad still doesn't care about me, but I also have people that do. I have my friends who dropped everything to be by my side. I have goals in life that I'll achieve with them by my side, and I'll have Marinette with me every step of the way. But you? You'll be here in this cage for a long time. You'll never get to see who I become or what I achieve, and that's on you. I no longer feel anything for you."

Absolute quiet.

"Thank you, father." I said, getting up from chair, Marinette close behind. "Thank you for showing me that blood isn't everything. I have my family out there, and I won't waste my time on you anymore. Goodbye."

With that, I made my way to the door. I didn't even look back as I heard my father sniffle.

"I'm sorry, son."

But still I walked on with Marinette by my side as the door closed behind us.


"You okay?" I asked Adrien as the two of us sat on my balcony.

"Honestly," He said, "I am. More okay than I've been in a long time. I meant every word I said to him."

"I'm glad." I said with a small smile.

I walked over to where he was standing and laid my head on his shoulder.

"There's so much we can do now." He said with a small smile.

"Oh yeah?"

"I'm pretty sure I promised you the Lourve. We could go to Andre's and have picnics in the Place Des Vosges."

"We could go the Seine." I added, "See the architecture at the Château De Versailles. We could do it all."

He turned me towards him as he placed a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"For everything. For being my friend and always having my back. Even before we found out, you still were always there for me."

"I'll always be here for you." I said truthfully, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you more than anything."

"I love you too, milady."

The end

this is so surreal. i can't believe the story is finally over. thank you for everyone who stuck by me through my countless breaks and multiple hiatuses. i started this at the end of season 2, and now we're in the middle of season 4. crazy how fast the time has gone. i hope you all enjoyed!! <3

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