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"Hey, not that I'm complaining or anything, but why do you need me?"

"Um, Chat Noir is on another mission tonight, so we had to split up. I don't think I can do this one by myself."

She seemed off. Sure, I've only helped her a few times, but she kinda had the same chaotic energy as Marinette. Of course if I knew one thing, there was no way Marinette was ladybug.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" I asked.

"The victim is Adrien Agreste. I think he's getting people to touch his book and then it's filling them with anger? I'm not exactly sure. All I know is his akuma is in his book. We have to destroy it without touching it."

"Destroy it without touching it? Piece of cake. Maybe I can make an illusion of someone, and while he's distracted with them, you can use your yo-yo to get it away. A cataclysm would be more helpful though.."

"Well, he's not here right now ok? Let's split up."

Wow.. I guess I said the wrong thing. I'll apologize later. Right now we have to get the akuma and stop hawkmoth.


I don't think I've ever been in so much pain; physical or mental. I've suppressed my knee pains, but man does it still hurt. And mentally.. mentally I'm not really sure. I just feel broken. I ran beside Alya, wishing I could just tell her all about it, but I know what I have to do.

"Ok, see you in a flash." She said as she spilt up from me.

I plopped down behind a building, my tears welling up. I told myself to stop, because we had more important things to do. I had to find Adri.. Cat No.. you know what I mean.

"Wow, your heart looks heavy." I heard an all too familiar voice say.

"Adrien." I said sadly.

"Ladybug, shouldn't you be going after the akuma victim?"

"I.. I am?" I said unsurely.

"Oh ya, because we finally figured it out."

"Stop!" I shouted.

"Well, once I get your miraculous everyone will know. I just need to get yours, for dramatic effect."

"Adrien please."

He began to advance, and I found myself in an impossible position. I couldn't hurt him.

"If.. if that's what you need to do." I said, dropping my yo-yo.

Adrien stopped at me and looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes.

"You're not gonna fight back?" He asked.

"I can't. You know that."

"Ok." He said, still looking unsure as he walked nearer towards me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the sound of my disguise to fall away. When nothing happened, i opened my eyes and I found myself in an empty backway, all by myself.

"Wha.." I started confused.

He just left? He had me in his grasp and he left? I could've sat there and contemplated it for hours, but my train of thought was put off by a scream.


I ran around the corner and saw a girl getting close to Adrien. She seemed to be walking nonchalantly, but her friend was terrified. I said "lucky charm!" and awaited the item to drop down.

A knife. A little bit more dangerous than my usual lucky charm, but I knew how to use it.

I went behind the back of the girl, and shot my yo-yo through her. I was glad I was right about it being Alya's illusion. My yo-yo wrapped around the book and I brought it close to me, hitting it with knife just in time. The akuma flew out, and I did my whole restart movements. I really don't even remember doing that, because all I remember was running towards Adrien.


Oh my god. I was just akumatized. I'm so stupid! I really let that happen to me.

I began to dizzily stand up when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Where to, milady?" I asked as I felt myself fly off the floor.

"My balcony."

The ride was short, but I was shaking the whole time, a combination of nerves, fear, and the cold.

We eventually landed down right as her costume disappeared.

"Adrien!" She screamed as she wrapped me in a hug.

I was shocked for a minute, but I eagerly hugged back right away.

"I.. we.. I almost gave up my miraculous to save you.." she said quietly.

"You what!"

"You know I couldn't hurt you!" She said loudly.

We stood in silence as she looked sadly out over the streets of Paris.

"I.. I really don't know what to do." She said after a while.

"Ya.. me either."

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat