Angel 12

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"You seriously did not need to come Luka" I said as we got off the plane. He shrugged but didn't respond. I sighed and nodded before getting in a Uber. The plane ride was quick even though all I did was sleep. Luka sat next to me in the car and held my hand. I think just for support. I don't know and I'm not asking.

"Blacksmith Hospital please" I said even though the person knew where to go. I smiled and sighed leaning on Luka's chest.

"Are you nervous or scared" Luka said looking down at me. I shook my head no and rubbed weird circles on his chest. I am not scared nor nervous because Linda, the lady I spoke on the phone with, said that he was fine. I am jut paying my respects kinda.

I will always care about Ryan and that will never stop even if I don't love him in that romantic way. He is still the father of my child and my first love. You never stop caring for your first love, you just move on. Who I am going to move on with is the question but I will never rush something like because one I don't need a man in my life to be happy and two I am a mother who has a son that needs my attention more than a man needs.

Men are hard work anyway they always want everything their way and the minute you stop giving them what they want, they cheat. Boys aren't shit most of the time. Girls are not always the way. Sometimes but not always.

"We are here Frey" Luka said tapping me. I nodded and got out the car walking straight inside. I bit the inside of my cheek and walked to the front desk.

"Hi I want to see my husband please" I said looking at Luka out the corner of my way eye. His jaw tightened when I said husband but ill explain that to him later. I gave her Ryan's name and bit my lip waiting.

"He is in room 204" She said before sending me a small smile. I thanked her and went to the stairs. I am in the mood to walk up stairs today.

"Husband huh?" Luka said as he followed me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Not right now Luka please I will explain later." I whispered turning to him. He stared at me for a minute before nodding. I hugged him before walking down the long hallway to find the correct room number.

202,203, 204 Found it!

I didn't knock and walked right in. Luka was right behind me. I couldn't see Ryan only a curtain. I frowned at what I heard though.

Moans. Groans.

"Freyah think wise before what you are going to do" Luka whispered in my ear making me glare at him. He gave me a look and I bit my lip before nodding. I blocked out what Luka said and ripped the curtain open. Ryan was laying on his bed with a short black haired lady riding him. They didn't even seem to notice nor hear the curtain being open.

Like I said earlier boys aren't shit most of the time.

"Yes baby oh fuck" Ryan groaned making me roll my eyes. I grabbed the vase from the counter near his sink and slammed it on the ground. They both jumped and screamed turning to me. The look on Ryan's face almost made me want to choke his stupid ass. The look of guilt.

"I see you aren't hurt at all babe" I said looking down at my nails calmly. No one answered and I looked at Luka before looking back at Ryan.

"Baby.." Ryan mumbled as he stared back at me. I didn't answer only looked at the bitch on his lap. She had a ring on her finger making me turn my eyes back to Ryan. I noticed a small box where an ring usually sat in before a man proposed.

This motherfucker proposed to this whore.

I smiled and took my earrings off staring straight at the naked two. The girl hurried off the bed grabbing her clothes. Ryan didn't move.

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