Avatars typically take 9 months to grow. I was shocked by this information because I thought it took the whole 6 years that we were in cryosleep. Max quickly explained that the bodies are put on a cryosleep timer. The second the ship is approximately 9 months away the Avatar is released and it begins to grow.

I was intrigued by this information and completely happy that my friends would be joining the tribe in less then a year.

"How long can a human live in the base before it runs out of air?" I asked leaning back and givving him space.

Max hummed. "I believe we have about 3 years worth. Maybe a little more."

I nodded relived we had more then enough time before it ran out.

"Max you've been here since the beginning. Why dont you have an Avatar?" I asked curiously.

"I only made them. Perfected the art of it. Sent the information I learned to earth so others could replicate it. I studied the Na'vi learend how they ticked. I never had the urge to be one. So I just stuck to what I did best." He shrugged.

I nodded and raised and eyebrow when he turned around with a sigh.

"What it like for you?"

I thought for a moment before speaking.

"Its like...Like living a dream that starts to feel like a wonderful reality, but isnt because the moment you link off you remember."

Max sighed. "Im not sure if it will be a wonderful dream for me."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because...Im not a hunter. Im a geneticist, chemist, a scientist. I enjoy chemical reactions and learning about whats going on underneath all of it. To me that is the true beauty of it all."

I thought over his words before my eyes lit up. "You can still be all those things. Not all the tribes are the same. Some are intrested in knowing more about chemicals and stuff like you. How bout when you become a Na'vi I take you to The Dead Lands. There a very intelligent tribe and I think you would love learning from them and they you."

Max looked intrested and I saw a hope that wasnt there before. I instantly knew his wheels were turning and he was ready to meet and learn from the tribe that had advanced a little farther then the others.

I wanted everyone to be happy who stayed. An I wanted there transition to the tribe to be smooth and for them to feel like they had a place. An that in this world they could prosper like Jake and I had.

We were given a second chance. I wanted us to use it to the fullest.

* * * * * *

Soon the high of the war and Jakes soul journey began to fade and new issues began to arise. One being the situation of leadership. Tsu'tey had been horribly injured during The Great Battle, but because of Reba's PhD in Na'vi medicine she helped keep him stable and put in on a clear path to recovery.

Everyone was ecstatic that he would be alright, but also worried what his presence and Jakes presence meant for the tribe. At the end of the day Neytiri was supposed to mate Tsu'tey and they as a unit were supposed to become the leaders of the tribe. But since she went against the rules and mated the Marine instead it left the entire tribe in a bind.

When Tsu'tey was well enough to stand and stay concious he called upon The Marine. They spoke for a long while before they emerged from there area and moved to the front of the people.

I eyed Jake and he just gave me a look before standing with Tsu'tey.

"I, Tsu’tey'te Rongloa Ateyitan, stand before the people to renouce my title of Clan Leader."

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